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K.K. Tokayev

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[Дата публикации: 14.03.2019, 09:10:24, published by: Әкімшілік]


On March 13, 2019, the forum “# 24 / 7_I am_ VOLUNTEER ” was organized in the Palace of Culture, organized by the KSIU “Youth Resource Center in Temirtau”.

The purpose of this event is to increase the number of people involved in active civilian life and set a new pace of development of the volunteer movement in Temirtau.

More than 2,000 people took part, among whom were our students who are members of the Kamkor KSIU Volunteer Club. The trend session was held in 4 directions:

1) Personal growth of a volunteer. Moderator Kim Vera Alexandrovna – Member of the Council on Youth Affairs under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Ayazhan Kurmanova.

2) Moderator: FGU “Center for Disaster Medicine”, Emergency Situations Department of Karaganda Oblast, Natalia Nikolayevna Eremenko, lieutenant colonel of civil protection.

3) Volunteering from A to Z. Moderator: Mironyuk Tatyana Aleksandrovna – executive director of the ALE “National Volunteer Network”

4) Eco-Volunteering. Moderator: Valentina Silvanovich – Executive Director of the Temirtau Youth Club.

Each site was equipped with portable stands for demonstration of visual aids and the application of necessary information, the moderators told the participants by personal example who the volunteer was, what paths and steps to go to become a real, active, responsive volunteer.

Volunteers of our university received a powerful charge and motivation in their further work, according to them, to be a volunteer – there should be not just a desire, but also knowledge and experience. Recall that the volunteer club KSIU “Kamkor” is known for its charity events.

At the end of the event, all participants were awarded certificates, and some had the opportunity to win a prize.


Press service of KSIU







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14.03.2019, 09:10:24, Әкімшілік Categories: News