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[Дата публикации: 02.03.2019, 12:52:32, published by: Әкімшілік]


On March 1, 2019, in the Karaganda State Industrial University, as part of the Year of Youth, the Youth Forum of Civil Opportunities was held, organized by the KSIU “Youth Resource Center of Temirtau”.

The purpose of the Forum is to develop the civic initiative of youth, by involving them in the activities of NGOs. For the successful implementation of the tasks set in this Message to the people of Kazakhstan by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, consolidation of the whole society, including the non-governmental sector, is more important than ever.

“Today we can say with confidence that non-governmental organizations are not only one of the most developed institutions of civil society in Kazakhstan, but also a reliable partner of the state. Having taken on many of the functions of social transformations, they make a huge contribution to solving various problems of the social sphere, the main goal of which is to develop the country’s human capital, ”with these words Khegai Allen, director of the KSIU“ Youth Resource Center of Temirtau ”, launched the Civil Opportunities Forum . The Deputy Akim of the City of Temirtau, Cai Vladislav Moiseevich, the Secretary of the City Maslikhat Lomakin Alexey Borisovich, the Head of the Department of Internal Policy of the City of Temirtau Dinusova Dinara Nurtav addressed the participants of the Forum with a welcoming speech.

As part of this forum, 5 training sites were organized. Each of them was attended by experienced, talented and successful moderators in their activities:

1) The social project workshop, moderated by the leader of the youth league of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan of the Karaganda region, Alexander Urmashov.

2) Social enterprise, moderator – social entrepreneur Kal-Magambetova Ainur.

3) Volunteering, moderated by an employee of the National Volunteer Network Zharkymbayeva Kuralay.

4) Presentation of successful projects of NGOs, moderators: Lyudmila Anikina, Chairman of the NGO “As-Sociation of Young Leaders”, Elena Varganova, Chairman of the NGO “Reflection”, and Valentina Silvanovich, Executive Director of the Temirtau Youth Club.

5) State and NGOs.

Within the framework of the Forum, the first session of the youth league of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan was held, in which the moderator was Alexey Borisovich Lomakin, secretary of the city maslikhat.

After two hours, the forum was summed up. Everyone received certificates for participation, and also awarded letters of thanks to all the important guests of the Forum. Many shared their impressions and emotions and advised to arrange such events more often.


Press service of KSIU






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02.03.2019, 12:52:32, Әкімшілік Categories: News