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[Дата публикации: 26.03.2019, 10:09:42, published by: Әкімшілік]



In the days of the celebration of  Nauryz, a youth caravan “Spring and Youth” was held in Temirtau, in which more than 700 KSIU students, colleges, schoolchildren and volunteers took part. The main event of the holiday was the costumed folk procession through the main streets of the city. The procession turned out quite festive, colorful and even starry. This year, the celebration of Nauryz was organized in the central park of culture and recreation.

In the festive ethno-aul, 10 yurts were established, one of which was established by our university. A festive concert was organized on the stage.

Also during the holiday, people gathered in the park were treated with baursaks and nauryz kozhe. For some citizens this was the first sample of a traditional Kazakh holiday dish. The tastes of the discoverers were quite positive.

The festive program was very intense, it was designed for all ages, leaving no one behind. Sports competitions were presented: the national wrestling “Kazak Kuresi”, tug-of-war, games of togyky kymalak, asyk, etc. In the park there were various fairs. Children were also not ignored, a playground was organized in the winter garden, and a bonus for the children was that they could take pictures with life-size puppets representing their favorite cartoon characters.

In one of the yurts, the whole variety of folk instruments was presented, aytsy of young akyns, kuy tartys, etc. were held.

This year, nature has given Temirtau truly spring weather. Kazakh ethnic music was heard near the Central Park “Vostok” and created a special atmosphere thereby inspiring good and warmth in the heart of each resident of the city.


Press service of KSIU 







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26.03.2019, 10:09:42, Әкімшілік Categories: News