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Students of KSIU took part in the quest game “Uly Dalan” – “Ulttyk Oyyndary”

[Дата публикации: 17.03.2019, 18:00:54, published by: Әкімшілік]


On March 14-15, in the Historical and Cultural Center of the First President, an informative educational quest game “Uly Dalanyk – Ulttyk Oyyndary” was held. This event was held in the framework of the “Rouhani Zhangyru” program and the Year of Youth.

The article by the Head of State “Seven Facets of the Great Steppe” says that the revival of historical consciousness for the young generation begins, first of all, with the knowledge of the history of its people, its traditions and customs. The event was just focused on the knowledge of the history of the people. More than 150 students from 6 colleges and KSIU Temirtau took part in the quest game. A specially prepared video about national games was shown, young people answered questions from the historical and educational quiz, participated in a contest of proverbs and sayings, showed their knowledge of customs and traditions.

Upon completion of the event, letters of thanks and gifts were given to students who took an active part in the quest game.


Press service of KSIU




Просмотров: 674
17.03.2019, 18:00:54, Әкімшілік Categories: News