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[Дата публикации: 02.03.2019, 09:45:06, published by: Әкімшілік]


A series of open curatorial hours began in KSIU as part of the program articles “Rouhani Zhangyru” and “Seven Facets of the Great Steppe”.

On February 28, 2019, an open curatorial hour “Tarihka tungan Temirtau” took place, dedicated to the history of the construction and development of the legendary city Temirtau. This event was prepared by curators Soltan Magira Soltanovna, Omarova Gulmira Bauyrzhanovna and Sergazykyzy Anar.

Students of groups TTMP-17k-2, TTMP-17-2 and A&C-18k made very interesting reports. It was clear that the guys were very painstakingly preparing for their performances, they prepared an interesting, informative presentation.

Students Dyusbekova Marzhan and Zhumabekova Anel prepared a report “Zhauyrtaudan Temirtauka Deiin”, in which they covered in detail the history of the development of the city of Temirtau, which originated thanks to the Kazakhstan Magnitogorsk. Students Beder Alikhan and Yerbolat Aydin prepared a not less interesting message “Horyshta Kala Temirtau”, in which they highlighted the development of the Karaganda Metallurgical Plant. Students Davronov Nurmakhanbet and Darkhan Edil told about the well-known metallurgists Temirtau, and Aliyeva Lily devoted her report to the Alma-mater of the Head of State to the Factory-Higher Technical School, now Karaganda State Industrial University.

The event had a very cognitive effect, as the students learned many interesting things from the history of Temirtau. As the participants of the event noted, they discovered the unknown Temirtau for themselves, because many of them came to study with us from other regions of Kazakhstan.

Press service of KSIU


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02.03.2019, 09:45:06, Әкімшілік Categories: News