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The basis of KSIU held a retreat of the Office of Industry and Industrial-Innovative Development of the Karaganda region

[Дата публикации: 13.03.2019, 16:44:26, published by: Әкімшілік]


March 12, 2019 on the basis of KSIU held a retreat of the Office of Industry and Industrial-Innovative Development of the Karaganda region. The meeting discussed the development of interaction between universities, research institutes and construction enterprises of the Karaganda region.

Among those present were: Arman Seypilovich Nurmaganbetov – deputy head of the Department of Industry and Industrial Innovation Development of the Karaganda region; Naylya Kamalovna Kairbekova – Chairman of the Association of Developers of Karaganda Region; Shojmu Oksana – Consultant, Infyde Ltd (Spain); Nurgaliyeva Zaure Esengaliyevna – chief expert of the Kazakhstan Industry Development Institute JSC; Serik Sakimbekovich Kasymov – Head of the Department of Science and Commercialization of Karaganda State University. E.A. Buketov, as well as representatives of construction enterprises of the Karaganda region Santekhprom LLP, Aspap Production Center, Braer Color LLP, Ergonomika Research and Production Company LLP, NORD Prom NS LLP, Alian Paint LLP, KazPlast LLP, etc From the side of KSIU University were: Aykeeva Altyn Amanzholovna – Vice-Rector for Research and International Relations; Bazarov Baurzhan Anuarkhanovich – head of the department “Construction”; Filatov Anatoly Vasilyevich – head of the laboratory NIISP; Yerzhanov Almas Satybaldyevich – Director of the Department of Science and Innovation.

The meeting discussed the creation of a construction cluster in the Karaganda region to address topical issues of construction enterprises with the involvement of the scientific potential of universities and research institutes, as well as mechanisms for interaction of structures with the goal of effectively creating the conditions for industrial innovation development of the construction sector in the region.

Press service of KSIU



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13.03.2019, 16:44:26, Әкімшілік Categories: News