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hosted the public defense of the election programs of our candidates running for President of the student Parliament

[Дата публикации: 25.02.2019, 18:39:39, published by: Әкімшілік]



On February 20, 2019, in the assembly hall of the Karaganda State Industrial University, there was a public defense of the election programs of our candidates running for president of the student parliament. Eight candidates took part in the race for the presidential title: Eleftheriadi Savely (gr. TOMD-17), Zulkaydar Yerkhan (gr. MS-17k), Yeshenkulov Shyrat (gr. A&U-17k), Tarasov Nurasyl (gr TMO-18k), Saparov Dastan (gr. MTNM-16k), Tashpolatov Akramkhan (gr. MO-17), Bobylev Artyom (gr. MO-17), Ziyadova Aytadzh (gr.  E-17).

The student parliament is a representative body of student self-government, it determines and expresses the collective views of students on the most important issues of study and university life, organizes student events and actions, and take an active part in the educational process. The purpose of the student parliament is to ensure the effective participation of students in the public life of the university, creating a favorable environment to meet their social, intellectual, creative, spiritual, and economic interests.

The election of the president of the student parliament allows you to quickly and effectively solve the problems of students. They also allow influencing the quality of higher education, controlling the flow of budget funds allocation, fighting corruption, and promptly solving students’ problems.

In the pre-election programs of the candidates, important aspects of improving the learning environment and the development of students’ youth initiatives were touched upon.

In turn, Eleftheriadi Savely offered to install water coolers in the university corridors, and also set the task to solve an equally important problem for the beautiful half of the university – to install mirrors in the corridors, he noted that they would be very, by the way, if they were near the wardrobe main as well as the new building.

Candidate Zulkaydar Erhan touched upon the topic of healthy nutrition for students, proposing to organize a fair of vegetables, fruits, berries and dairy products once a month.

The next participant in the election Eshenkulov Shyrat introduced into his program a curious idea, to hold competitions between groups to the mind, wit and creativity. In case of winning, the winning group is given cultural and educational holidays, a trip to KarLag, a theater and similar places.

Tarasov Nurasyl, in his turn, in the proposal the Student Entrepreneur put forward a very interesting idea for development, to open a student furniture workshop where it will be possible to repair any university or dorm furniture. For students’ leisure, open a special reading room with an updated library of modern books.

One of the proposals of the election program of Saparov Dastan was to organize an intellectual competition “Leader of the XXI century”, which will allow the development of personal qualities, contributing to filling, and making the student versatile. Also allow to stimulate scientific activity of students.

“To develop the level of competitiveness of KSIU students” is the goal of the candidate Tashpolat Akramkhan’s election program. To improve the students’ leisure time, he proposed to create a biozone at the university. Namely, a specialized room in which a student can take a break from the hustle and bustle of the study, admiring various plants that favorably affect the vision and brain, is also an opportunity to pursue his favorite hobby.

“I believe that the introduction of an institution of presidency at a university will be an impetus not only for the further development of student self-government, but also for student life in general,” Artyom Bobylev began his program. Artyom noted in his program a very popular topic of our time – eSports events. The organization of such leisure does not require much effort and cost, the conditions have already been created by the producers of these same games. And the very holding of such events is encouraged by unique inside game awards for participants.

The goal of Ziyadov Aytaj is to unite all KSIU students with a common idea, cooperation, mutual assistance, mutual respect, because only in such conditions can each person feel free and confident in success. One of the Aytaj programs may well help to achieve this goal. This is a pajama party. “The day when all students will be dressed in home clothes, and thus they will feel at home, because the university is our second home.”

After the announcement of the electoral programs, “hot” debates began between both the candidates and the student electorate. Thereby proving that in our university there is a very active, ideological and thinking young people who know how to communicate the idea correctly and dictate development trends. Everything went on a fairly high level. Also, the candidates asked each other provocative questions like “Students who have learned before the evening, would it be better for them to go to the so-called biozone or still relax in comfortable conditions with wi-fi?”; “The furniture shop is great, but who will fix it all? ”; “Is this pajama party not appropriate for our upbringing?”, Which made it possible to reasonably defend their point of view, to demonstrate ways to resolve the issue.


Press service of KSIU




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25.02.2019, 18:39:39, Әкімшілік Categories: News