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Students of KSIU took an active part in the republican scientific-practical conference “formation of the personality of young leaders of ethnocultural associations”

[Дата публикации: 25.02.2019, 18:48:13, published by: Әкімшілік]


February 22, 2019 in the House of Friendship of Karaganda city was held the republican scientific-practical conference “Formation of the personality of young leaders of ethnic and cultural associations.” The objective of the conference is to increase the interest of young people in science, to involve young scientists in the field of research on inter-ethnic and interfaith relations.

The event was attended by representatives of ethnocultural associations, members of the scientific expert group under the Kazakh National Congress, teachers, graduate students and university students.

The meeting was moderated by the head of the scientific-expert group of the ANK of the Karaganda region, Professor VB Molotov-Luchansky.

At the plenary meeting, member of the Scientific Expert Council of the Assembly of Peoples of Kazakhstan K. Kazkenov, Professor of the Eurasian National University named after L.N.Gumilyov Zh. Artykbaev, Chief Manager of the Project Office “Ruhani Zhangyru” of the Karaganda Region B. Musabekov, Director of the State Archive of the Karaganda Region J. Tursynova.

Within the framework of the conference, the work of five sections was organized:

– The role of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan in strengthening public consent;

– Kazakhstan in the world of globalization: socio-demographic problems;

– Modernization of social consciousness – the path to the future;

– Preservation of the traditions of the centuries: the cultural code of the Kazakhs and tolerance;

– The great names of the Great Steppe.

From our university in the conference was attended by teachers of the HK and SHD, students and undergraduates. The organizers of the conference noted the very good preparation of our students, the analytical and research character of the reports presented, which testifies to the profound work done by the students and their supervisors. Master student of KSIU Ruslan Kuanyshbaev under the guidance of the senior teacher of the department of HK and SHD V.G. Cherkashin presented a report on the theme “The spiritual and moral legacy of Abay Kunanbayev in the context of the Ruhani Zhangyru program, the students of the Gonta Natalia and Dryakhlova Oksana made a presentation on the important topic of today“ The Role of Moral Values ​​in the Formation of Anti-corruption Culture ”; reflected in the report “Issues of inter-ethnic harmony and tolerance among youth” of our students Sauan Kuanyshkyzy and Dilara Baymuratova, supervisor – senior lecturer of the HK department of the SHD Soltan Magira.

Special attention and interest among moderators and speakers was caused by the speech of Eleftheriadi Savely “Promoting aesthetic taste in the classroom manitar disciplines ”, which he prepared under the leadership of the head of the department of the ANK Zhanabergenova D.K.

The participation of our students in such a conference allows us to conduct research work on topical issues of civil society.

The conference was intense, fruitful and interesting.


Press service of KSIU






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25.02.2019, 18:48:13, Әкімшілік Categories: News