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The results of the election of the president of the KSIU student Parliament were summed up

[Дата публикации: 25.02.2019, 23:40:29, published by: Әкімшілік]


February 22 this year a procedure for voting for the presidential candidates of the KSIU student parliament was conducted, each student casting his vote through the ballot. Recall that 8 candidates registered to participate in the election race.

After the vote, the proxies of each candidate counted the ballots. The voting results are as follows:

  •  Eleftheriadi Savely, group TOMD -17 – 127 votes;
  • Zulkaydar Erhan, group MS-17k – 104 votes;
  • Yeshenkulov Shyrat, group A&U-17k – 86 votes;
  • Dastan Saparov, MTNM-16k group – 65 votes;
  • Tashpolatov Akramkhan, group A&U-18 – 33 votes;
  • Tarasov Nurasyl, group TM&O-17k – 15 votes;
  • Ziyadova Aytaj, group E-17 – 14 votes;
  • Bobylev Artem, group MO-17 – 9 votes.

According to the election procedures, the candidate has the right to cast his vote to another candidate, this rule was applied by Tarasov Nurasyl, who gave 15 votes in favor of Zulkaydar Yerkhan, as a result Zulkaydar Yerkhan scored 119 votes.

According to the voting results, Eleftheriadi Savely scored the most votes, becoming the first president of the KSIU student parliament. All students who took part in the elections will now form an asset to the parliament.

We wish the new composition of the student parliament successful and fruitful work!


Press service of KSIU



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25.02.2019, 23:40:29, Әкімшілік Categories: News