[Дата публикации: 29.01.2019, 10:34:39, published by: Әкімшілік]
Karaganda State Industrial University continues to meet with students of 9th and 11th grades of Temirtau city schools and Aktau village as part of the choice of “Future profession”. January 25th of this year University employees traveled to the village of Aktau, where they met with graduates of secondary school №28,29,32. At the meeting, representatives of the university introduced graduates with specialties of the university, the college at KSIU, and detailed explanations were given to all applicants’ questions of interest.
These meetings help school graduates to decide on their future profession, learn the features of a particular specialty, and immerse themselves in the atmosphere of student life.
Karaganda State Industrial University is always open to offers to get high-quality and popular education.
Press service of KSIU
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