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[Дата публикации: 14.12.2018, 19:07:49, published by: Әкімшілік]


The students of KSIU once again showed brilliant results in the republican festival “Alaman”, which is annually held at the “Borovoye-Discovery” base. The festival is aimed at the development of creative initiatives, research potential, entrepreneurial skills of students enrolled in the program “Мengilik ell zhastary – industry! – Serpin-2050”.

Our university was represented by a 4th year student of the EE-15k group Esimkhanova Aydin under the guidance of the senior teacher of the department “KRaFL” Kapasheva Jania Kudaibergenovna. Aydin won the Grand Prix in the nomination “The best social project.”

The purpose of the event: to support social initiatives, creative abilities of students, to form a civic position, increase pro-activity and support for social initiatives, and also to reveal the versatility of students who study under the “Serpin” project in 10 nominations.

This time, 26 higher educational institutions and seven organizations of technical and vocational education fought for the title of laureates. They represented Akmola, Aktyubinsk, Atyrau, West Kazakhstan, Karaganda, Kostanay, Pavlodar, North Kazakhstan and East Kazakhstan regions. All of them festival participants received valuable prizes, diplomas, certificates and medals.

The festival has become a real holiday for creatively-minded, active, talented students.

And most importantly, young people from different areas of our republic received another opportunity to communicate, get to know students from other educational institutions.

Press Service KSIU

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14.12.2018, 19:07:49, Әкімшілік Categories: News