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[Дата публикации: 14.11.2018, 17:47:44, published by: Әкімшілік]


November 14, 2018 at 11.00 am all students of Karaganda state industrial University took an active part in the first Republican national dictation on Latin graphics. This is the second experience of students of our University in such an event: KGIU was the first in the region to hold a training dictation in the Latin alphabet this spring.

This time the dictation was organized and held in order to popularize and widely spread the Kazakh alphabet in the Latin script, approved by the decree of the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev on February 19, 2018, as well as to inculcate the skills of practical assimilation of the Latin alphabet.

As an aid 15 minutes before the start of the dictation, students were given an alphabet based on the Latin script, which in turn helped them to refresh the memory of the basic rules of spelling, a special sheet and pen.

The text of the dictation was voiced by a senior lecturer of the Department of “Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages” Kapasheva Zhania Kudaibergenovna. The duration of the test was 30 minutes.

Under the terms of the dictation, at the first reading it was necessary to listen carefully to the text, at the second – to write it, at the third – to check the spelling correctness and authenticity of the work performed. Between each sound interval, a break is made to summarize the thoughts and focus on the next piece of text.

At the end of the dictation, the text was displayed on the electronic Board with the help of a projector and each participant had the opportunity to test their adaptability to the use of the new alphabet and independently assess their knowledge on the criteria for assessing the 5-point scale.

In total, 400 people took part in the dictation.

The press service of KSIU


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14.11.2018, 17:47:44, Әкімшілік Categories: News