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KGIU teachers took part in the city competition on multilingual “Til sheberi – 2018”

[Дата публикации: 20.11.2018, 18:26:13, published by: Әкімшілік]


Lecturer of the Kazakh, Russian and Foreign Languages Department Khamitova Shaizat Amantaevna and Lecturer of the Chemical Technology and Ecology Department Rahmetova Anara Askarbayevna took an active part in the city competition on polylinguism Til Sheberі – 2018.

Within the framework of this competition, according to the rules established by the competition regulations, the main condition for participation was the knowledge of three languages.

The competition “Til Sheberi – 2018” consisted of 3 rounds – preparation of the presentation and the participant’s business card, implementation of the intellectual task and presentation of the creative number.

The purpose of this competition is to promote trilingualism and support for talented young people.

Our teachers were the strongest contestants, showed a very high intellectual potential and an excellent knowledge of the Kazakh, Russian and English languages.

According to the results of this competition, Rakhmetova Anara Askarbayevna took second place and received a certificate worth twenty thousand tenge, and Khamitova Shaizat Amantayevna took third place and received a certificate for ten thousand tenge.

We congratulate our colleagues with a worthy victory!

Press service of KGIU

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20.11.2018, 18:26:13, Әкімшілік Categories: News