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The KGIU held a reporting and election meeting of the Temirtau Palace of Culture primary party organization

[Дата публикации: 16.10.2018, 12:13:01, published by: Әкімшілік]


October 12, 2018 in Karaganda State Industrial University was held reporting – electoral meeting of the primary party organization “Temirtau Palace of Culture.”

The primary party organization “Temirtau Palace of Culture” under the Temirtau city branch of the party “Nur Otan” has 981 party members in its ranks and includes PPO: KGIU, Palace of Culture, PK Vershina, KazEnergoMash LLP, the largest number of members is in the university ( 726 people).

In 2017, the primary party organization “Temirtau Palace of Culture” became the winner of the regional competition “Best PPO”, this is the result of daily party work.

The following issues were addressed during the meeting:

1. On the work of the primary party organization “Temirtau Palace of Culture.”

2. Discussion of the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayeva to the people of Kazakhstan “Growth of welfare of Kazakhstan people: increase of incomes and quality of life”.

3. Election of the Bureau of the primary party organization “Temirtau Palace of Culture”.

4. Election of delegates to the city reporting and election conference of the Temirtau city branch of the Nur Otan party.

The meeting was opened by the chairman of the primary party organization, the rector of KGIU Bakhyt Akhatovich Zhautikov, who told everyone about the work done by the primary party organization for 2018, about the participation of party members in party projects and promotions, and about the main tasks for the coming period.

The second on the agenda was the issue of discussion of the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Leader of the Nation N.A. Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan “Growth of welfare of Kazakhstan people: increase of incomes and quality of life”.

On the issue of electing the Bureau of the Temirtau Palace of Culture PPO, during the meeting by open voting, the following decision was made by the party members: to reappoint B.A. Zhautikova; appoint A.R. Karipbayeva and Secretary of the primary party organization “Temirtau Palace of Culture” to appoint D.Zh. Ybrai.

On the fourth issue, the Deputy Chairperson of the OTP Aizhan Ryskeldinovna Karipbayeva made a proposal to elect 30 delegates from the primary party organization Temirtau Palace of Culture to participate in the city reporting and election conference of the Temirtau city branch of the Nur Otan party.

In general, members of the party meeting, unanimously decided to recognize the work of the primary party organization “Temirtau Palace of Culture” – satisfactory. They recommended taking measures to strengthen the qualitative composition of party members, while paying particular attention to attracting citizens with an active lifestyle to the party’s ranks, and making the decisions made known to the public.

At the end of the meeting, Bakhyt Akhatovich Zhautikov thanked those present for their active and fruitful work and wished all members of the party continued success.

Press service of KGIU




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16.10.2018, 12:13:01, Әкімшілік Categories: News