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[Дата публикации: 03.10.2018, 20:43:10, published by: Әкімшілік]



3 October 2018, the Prosecutor of the office of the Committee for legal statistics and special records of the city of Temirtau Battalova Gulmira Serikovna in conjunction with the Director of the Department on educational work and youth policy Salpenova Madina Meiramovna held for the students of KSIU introductory seminar in database: “Map of criminal offenses”, the “Map of criminal offenses committed by juveniles, Maps of the perpetrators of violent acts of sexual character concerning minors” and “Maps of accidents”.

During the seminar, students learned from the speech of Battalova G. S. that the 32nd step of the program of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Ah. Nazarbayev’s ” national Plan-100 concrete steps “is the creation of the Internet portal” Map of criminal offenses “on the basis of the national information system”Map of criminal offenses”. The map shows all criminal offences committed in the country, places and circumstances of their Commission. The card works in “online” mode.

The uniqueness of the Map is that it is integrated with the database of the Unified register of pre-trial investigations, and thus, information about criminal offenses automatically appears on the Map immediately after the registration of the application to the police.

“You can see the location, time and type of crime, as well as all the information about the persons who committed the crime. Also, displays the dynamics of crime in the region. People can find out how criminal the area is, compare neighborhoods, streets or houses with each other. In the maps reflected the crimes committed at any point of Kazakhstan”, – said the Prosecutor Battalova G. S.

In a similar way, “a map of crimes committed by minors”, “a Map of persons who have committed sexual violence against minors” and “an accident Map”work.

Summing up the results of the seminar, the Director of the DDA and MP Salpenova M. M. noted that it is important to lead the right way of life, not to break the law, as any violation, even minor hooliganism, is recorded in the database of the Committee of legal statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan and in the future may be a serious obstacle to employment in law enforcement agencies and public service.

The press service of KSIU 

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