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Students of KGIU took part in the teleconference “Earth-Moon System”

[Дата публикации: 18.10.2018, 17:21:46, published by: Әкімшілік]



On October 18, 2018, students of Karaganda State Industrial University together with students of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions in Russia, Kazakhstan, representatives of leading raw materials companies in Russia and the CIS countries took part in a TV link – the Earth-Moon System lectures by the scientific director of the Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry named after Vernadsky RAN, academician of RAS Inter-University Academic Center for Navigation Erik Mikhailovich Galimov

“EM. Galimov is one of the world leaders in the field of isotope geochemistry, the author of the theory of isotope fractionation in the system of polyatomic organic compounds. Awarded the Alfred Treibs International Medal “for outstanding contributions to organic chemistry of isotopes.”

The main scientific works of E.M. Galimov in the field of organic geochemistry, geology of oil and gas, diamond formation, the origin of the moon and planets. He is also the initiator of space programs and sea expeditions.

Teleconference – a lecture was held on the basis of the State Geological Museum named after Vernadsky RAS with the support of the Academy of Mining Sciences of the Russian Federation.

Within the framework of the teleconference, the report of Academician E.M. Galimov, devoted to the revision of the mechanism of formation of the Earth-Moon pair and the process of formation of the planetary system as a whole.

Within two hours, students from different regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the CIS countries took an active part in television broadcasting. Students listened with interest to the lecturer.

At the end of the speech, time was allotted to discuss topical issues related to the unique dual planet of the Earth-Moon solar system and its interaction with nearby satellites.

The universities thanked the professors for their presentation, and also thanked the representatives of the State Geological MuseumVernadsky.

Summing up the teleconference, all the participants of the meeting noted the usefulness and fruitfulness of such contacts, aimed at expanding and strengthening the common information space.

Such activities aimed at raising an ecological outlook are very important for students. Future specialists should be ready to take responsibility for the creation and preservation of a favorable environment, to the implementation of environmental rules and requirements, respect for the use of resources.

Press service of KGIU


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18.10.2018, 17:21:46, Әкімшілік Categories: News