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New knowledge is the key to success!

[Дата публикации: 13.10.2018, 18:40:46, published by: Әкімшілік]


On 10-11 October 2018, 26 excellent students and representatives of talented youth from Karaganda State Industrial University became participants in the Republican training seminar “Rouhani Zhangyru: A Path to the Future” held by the library of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. This event is a unique dialogue platform that provides opportunities for the development of leadership qualities of young people. The training seminar participants were also students of the Kazakh National Research Technical University named after Kanysh Satpaev, Kokshetau State University named after Shokan Ualihanov.

Students of KGIU – Alma-mater of the First President Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev always actively participate in the work of the seminar. It is a great honor for them, as they personally get acquainted with the unique documents, the author of which is our Elbasy. Our university for three years annually takes an active part in the work of this seminar, starting with the very first.

In the framework of the training seminar, lectures were organized by Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Telebaev Gaziz Turysbekovich, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor Berdagulova Sagintay Kenesovna on the topics: “Competitiveness – Modernization of the Nation in the XXI Century”, “Historical Path and Evolutionary Development of Kazakhstan” , “Preservation of National Identity”, “Open Consciousness – the Way to the Future”.

In addition, students participated in practical trainings on the following topics: “Improving personal and team effectiveness, competitiveness”, “Projects – directions, themes and structures, development of the tourist project“ Tugan zher ””.

Our guys showed excellent knowledge and showed brilliant results in the course of the project activities conducted during the seminar.

The best project was recognized by a student of the TOMD-17 group, Elefteriadi Saveliya, who was dedicated to the development and development of the tourism industry in Kazakhstan. During the training seminar, a contest was held for the best post in social networks, in which a student of the TOMD-17 group won, a participant in the regional forum “Zhauyrtaudagy kesdezu” in the nomination “Information flow, culture of communication in social networks (blogs)” Gonta Natalia.

These facts once again prove that being trained in a technical specialty, a successful and talented student can prove himself in the humanitarian component.

“The goal of my project was to bring our Republic to the world level of media space. I would like to glorify our country so that we get as many awards as possible and the whole world will know about us.

I have developed a program that implies inviting students from foreign universities and colleges studying in the humanities, for example, resident, because in Kazakhstan there are a lot of beautiful and scenic places that many people don’t know about. In the future, when young directors will

to know personally about our country, the appearance of Kazakhstan on the screens of the world is not excluded, ”believes Elefteriadi Savely.

The student project impressed journalists and republican media who participated in the seminar and was awarded a young director, producer, graduate of the New York Film Academy, a master of culture, the winner of the project 100 New Persons of Kazakhstan in the “Culture” nomination, Aydarbekov Aydie Ulanbekuly . Moreover, Savely received an offer to help with the project and was invited as a trainer for the organization of team building held in the Library of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

“We believe that events of this scale in general teach young people to be loyal to the great historical mission of strengthening statehood, helping them further self-realization in society. In addition, seminars of this level promote the cult of education as the intellectual foundation of our society. They contribute to the introduction of the modern model of spiritual and moral modernization through the idea of “preserve changing, change preserving,” notes the head of a group of students, deputy dean of FETISU Z. Kapasheva.

Press service of KGIU


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13.10.2018, 18:40:46, Әкімшілік Categories: News