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[Дата публикации: 05.10.2018, 17:22:07, published by: Әкімшілік]



According to the plan of educational work of the University for 2018 – 2019 academic year, October 5, 2018 in KGIU held a meeting of students of 1-3 courses with the staff Of the Department of internal Affairs of Temirtau and the youth resource center of the city.

The senior inspector on Affairs of minors of the Eastern police Department of Temirtau Muhamadiev Sultan Arystanbekovich and the employee of Management of internal Affairs of Temirtau Tastubek Yerzhan Aitmukhambetovich gave our students an open lecture on the theme: “Prevention of crimes and offenses among youth”.

The purpose of the event: prevention of offenses among youth, the formation of knowledge about the rules governing the life of society, legal education among young people.

Students got acquainted with the main articles of the administrative and criminal codes of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Students were explained about responsibility, and what penalties are applied for the Commission of crimes of certain crimes. And also in order to reduce the risk of crime among youth at the lecture were considered methods of work of the system of prevention of juvenile delinquency.

The participants of the event took an active part in the dialogue platform “Question-answer”: asked questions and analyzed the situation of everyday life.

Students were given advice and recommendations on how not to become a victim of a crime or not to be involved in its Commission.

Director Alyona Khegay was made a presentation of the activities of the youth resource center of Temirtau city. She spoke about the youth organizations of the city, introduced youth programs, projects in which our students can take an active part.

Preventive conversation was very lively and interesting. During the meeting, not only the role, but also the importance of law enforcement agencies for the protection of human and civil rights and freedoms was touched upon.

The press service KGIU

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05.10.2018, 17:22:07, Әкімшілік Categories: News