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[Дата публикации: 18.09.2018, 18:05:41, published by: Әкімшілік]


The celebration of the day of languages of the peoples of Kazakhstan from year to year becomes traditional at our University.

On the eve of this holiday, September 11, 2018, representatives of the language development Center of Temirtau together with the Department of educational work and youth policy of  KGIU held a round table on the theme: –  “Language – the basis of friendship and harmony” which was attended by students and faculty of the University.

During the round table were reproduced videos and discussed such topical issues as:” Promotion and use of the state language”;” the work of Speaking club on the platform of KGIU in the promotion of trilingualism “and”Multilingualism – as a trend of modern Kazakhstan”.

Students Ashurov Sukhrob and Atakulova Zemfira presented reports on the theme ” the Language of my people.”

During the round table participants actively exchanged views and discussed the role of ethno-cultural associations in the preservation and development of the native language and culture.

As a result, recommendations were adopted for the further preservation and development of languages of ethnic groups and culture of the people of Kazakhstan.



Просмотров: 812
18.09.2018, 18:05:41, Әкімшілік Categories: News