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“Brain-ring” Teachers versus students

[Дата публикации: 21.09.2018, 16:39:36, published by: Әкімшілік]



In the framework of the plan of measures on realization of the program “Rouhani Jangyru ” and in honor of Day of languages of people of Kazakhstan September 24, 2018 in the Karaganda state industrial University was held the intellectual game “brain ring”, teams of students and teachers competed there. Each team had 6 players.

This event has become a traditional event in our University. This game develops analytical skills, ability to think correctly and quickly, to make decisions quickly.

The game consisted of 3 rounds. 1st round-questions in Kazakh, 2nd round-questions in Russian and 3rd round-questions in English.

According to the results of three rounds, the victory was won by a team of students who showed the jury their knowledge, coherence, ability to work together and listen to each other.

The winning team was awarded diplomas and gifts, the players of the losing team received incentive prizes. In addition, both teams received sweet prizes from the trade Union of KGIU.

The organizers of the brain-ring is the Department of “Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages”.



Просмотров: 480
21.09.2018, 16:39:36, Әкімшілік Categories: News