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The creative heritage of Bukhar Zhyrau Kalkamanuly

[Дата публикации: 12.06.2018, 16:05:13, published by: Баспасөз-орталығы]


Head of the department “Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages” of KSIU  Nurziya Abdikarim delivered a report on the creative heritage of Bukhar Zhyrau Kalkamanuly at a conference dedicated to the 350th anniversary of the prominent representative of Kazakh oral and poetic creativity and the chief adviser of the legendary Kazakh Khan Abylaya.

The conference was held in the historical and cultural center of the First President. Its participants were associates of the Leader of the Nation, representatives of the museums of the Karaganda region, historians, teachers and students of higher and secondary special educational institutions, teachers and students of schools, labor veterans. The participants were shown videos about the life and work of Bukhar Zhyrau. Then representatives of several educational institutions made presentations on the life and work of Bukhar Zhyrau Kalkamanuly.

The purpose of the conference was the promotion of the life and creative heritage of Bukhar Zhyrau, the upbringing of the feelings of patriotism and humanism in the younger generation on the example of the poet’s work.

Thanks to the active participants of the conference, thanksgiving letters were presented at the end of the event.

Press-service of KSIU





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