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Students of KSIU performed the national anthem of Kazakhstan

[Дата публикации: 04.06.2018, 17:19:18, published by: Баспасөз-орталығы]


The action, timed to the Day of State Symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the 20th anniversary of Astana, held with the participation of the Department of Domestic Politics of Temirtau, was held in several public places of the city. Students of the Karaganda State Industrial University performed the anthem of their native country.

Day of state symbols is celebrated in Kazakhstan on June 4. State symbols – flag, emblem and anthem – are the unshakable foundations of the state. The national anthem from January 2006 is the song “My Kazakhstan” (“Menin Kazakstanym “).

Students KSIU – young patriots – by their example wanted to “charge” people of Temirtau. Separated into several groups, they began to move towards each other, with a feeling of singing the anthem and putting their right hand to the heart.

– For us, participation in this action is a big responsibility. We feel proud when singing the anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan, “says Karibzhan Madiyar, the chairman of the Committee for Youth of KSIU, a student of the group” MS-15-k “. “We are the face and future of our state.” We call representatives of all generations, especially young people, always respect national values ​​- language, religion, traditions and, of course, state symbols.

Press-service of KSIU

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