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“Symbols of my country”

[Дата публикации: 06.06.2018, 10:40:06, published by: Баспасөз-орталығы]


City intellectual game “Symbols of my country” was held June 4 in KSIU. Participants – students of the Temirtau colleges – demonstrated their knowledge of state symbols and showed how they know how to determine their importance, significance and role in the life of Kazakhstan.

The discussion on this day turned out to be active and interesting. The students successfully answered the questions and proved that they have a high level of knowledge on the topic “state symbols”. During the blitz-poll they told what the heraldry means, what the words “anthem” and “coat of arms” mean when the state symbols of Kazakhstan were adopted, which must be strictly observed when the state emblem and the flag are indoors, and where and when can be used state emblem and flag, as well as the anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

More detailed knowledge required the following tours. In the second, for example, it was necessary to tell who is the emblem of of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which is symbolized by the five-pointed star, who protects shanyrak from two sides, expressing the idea of serving the common home – the Motherland, which symbolizes on the coat of arms the cruciform triple kuldereushi Shanyrak, which means the image of shanyrak on coat of arms and much more. The third stage was devoted to the flag of the country. Among the questions is the author of the national flag, the symbol of which is the one-colored flag, which means the sun on the flag, how many rays around it depict why the rays are represented in the form of grains, how many projects participated in the competition for the development of the flag of our country, what is the ratio of the width of the flag to its length .

The national anthem was concerned with the next round. In the list of questions: who is the author of the words, what are the rules for the behavior of the citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan when the Anthem of of the Republic of Kazakhstan is sounded, how is the word “anthem” translated from the Greek language when the song “My Kazakhstan” was written, which later became a anthem, how many times in the history of Kazakhstan the anthem was approved. And then the representatives of the organizers – the department of internal politics of Temirtau and KSIU – checked how well the contestants know the anthem: the teams had to insert the missing words in one minute into the text they had been given on the sheets.

The most interesting was the tour, in which the teams for 7 minutes were to write mini-projects on the topic “How to educate the youth respect for state symbols?”. As a result, some participants suggested introducing lessons on this topic in the compulsory school curriculum with examinations at the end of each school year, while others spoke of the need to hold various actions in the city.

All participants of the intellectual game were awarded with certificates and valuable prizes. In addition, during the event they received gifts and participants in various competitions held by the Internal Policy Department of the city of Temirtau a little earlier.

The essay competition: 1st place – L. Zhelik (head Zh. Zhumadilov), 2nd place – S. Khovdbai (head – M. Atchabarova), 3rd place – N. Gainullin (head – A. Bikenova), and B. Sultanbekova, A. Aslan, A. Kabdygaliev, A. Amankbekyzy, A. Gusev.

Competition video: M. Temirbekov and V. Eremeev.

Competition of social advertising: M. Ainabekova, A. Apekina, V. Basova, E. Kharin, A. Edapina, L. Ermakova, G. Tulegenov, E. Zakharov, S. Iskakov, A. Zoteev.

Press-service of KSIU


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