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The people of Temirtau met the Victory Day

[Дата публикации: 10.05.2018, 11:25:36, published by: Баспасөз-орталығы]


“Immortal Regiment” passed along the main avenue Temirtau on May 9. Several thousand townspeople with portraits of their relatives approaching the victory at the front and rear moved shoulder to shoulder in the column towards the monument to the Unknown Soldier. The leadership, teachers and students of the Karaganda State Industrial University also took part in the march of the “Immortal Regiment” carrying flags of all fronts of the Great Patriotic War.

During the Great Patriotic War, 230 people left the village of Samarkand for the front. Only 84 of them returned. Now in Temirtau there are only 23 participants of those battles and about 3,000 back workers.

From the solemn procession of the military with the flag of the country and the banner of Victory, a rally dedicated to the 73rd anniversary of the Victory began. On the perimeter of Gagarin Square, students of KSIU in white T-shirts lined with state flags and flags of the fronts of the Great Patriotic War lined up.

Congratulations were received from the Akim Temirtau G. Ashimov and the military commissar of the city S. Kabulov. Dance groups of the city congratulated veterans with an unusual flash mob.

On the territory behind the monument an original installation was created, symbolizing a soldier’s halt with dugouts, a nurse’s tent, a field kitchen. On this day, you could treat yourself to soldiers’ porridge and learn how to fold front-line letters-triangles.

The meeting ended with the traditional laying of flowers to the Eternal Flame.

Press-service of KSIU


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