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Is it easy to be a journalist?

[Дата публикации: 15.05.2018, 15:23:44, published by: Баспасөз-орталығы]


The students of the Tehtrade women’s gymnasium tried to understand the secrets of the journalist’s profession. At the class hour devoted to this topic and conducted in the vocational guidance work, last week a press secretary of the Karaganda State Industrial University Svetlana Yegorova was invited.

The work of the correspondent of the newspaper and the press secretary has much in common. And often it is journalists who sooner or later begin to work in the press services of various organizations and enterprises. There are many examples of this. One such case is the case of Svetlana Yegorova, who has given many years of work to the media of the Temirtau, and now she works as a press secretary of the KSIU.

The editor-in-chief of the newspaper «Nomina», member of the Union of Journalists of the Republic of Kazakhstan Tatyana Voitenko took part in the meeting. Organically complementing each other, the guests talked about when and under what circumstances they came to the newspapers, as well as about the pros and cons of their work. From the archives of memory, funny stories were also extracted, of which there are many in the piggy bank of any journalist.

Feedback did not keep you waiting. The gymnasts were very active, asking what interested them most: “Who did you meet with whom you met?”, “What was your first article about?”, “Were there any dangerous situations in your work?”, “If you did not become a journalist, who could work? ” etc. The conversation turned out to be lively and interesting. It turned out that the guests of the gymnasium had dreamed of the profession of a journalist since childhood, they do not regret the choice made once and like to help others by investing in a piece of their soul.

Polina Krivoruchko: “I really enjoyed this meeting. It was interesting to listen to the stories of our guests and their answers to questions. Such events need to be held more. ”

Daria Betcher: “Today we learned a lot about the profession of a journalist. Some of the girls will find this information useful in the future. I think that it is necessary to hold such meetings more often. They will be useful both for pupils of primary classes, and for elders, will help you to choose the future profession”.

Press-service of KSIU


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15.05.2018, 15:23:44, Баспасөз-орталығы Categories: News