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“Star Journalist”

[Дата публикации: 06.04.2018, 10:35:28, published by: Баспасөз-орталығы]


Young people of Temirtau  took part in the contest of beginning journalists. One of the members of the jury evaluating the work was Svetlana Egorova, press secretary of the Karaganda State Industrial University.

In the gymnasium named by  T. Aubakirova, on the initiative of the leadership, annually hosts the festival of children’s art “Zhyldyzdar”, this year already the 13th times. Within the framework of this event in different nominations (vocalist, artist, presenter, journalist, ballet, original genre) the creativity of children engaged in the mini-center “Orken”, the gymnasium named by T. Aubakirova and the college “Miras”.

April 4, his skills in the contest “Star Journalist” showed 18 students of the gymnasium and college students, who were divided into several age categories. The organizer of the competition is the head of the circle of young journalists and the editor of the gymnasia newspaper “Nomina” Tatyana Voitenko. The jury consisted of Olga Vorotynskaya, a member of the Writers’ Union of the Karaganda region, Andrei Kavaev, editor of the «Elbasy and Temirtau» newspaper of the historical and cultural center of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Svetlana Egorova, press secretary of the KSIU, Natalia Filippova, librarier of gymnasium named by T. Aubakirova. Members of the jury evaluated ” presentation themselves ” and portfolio of participants, the number of diplomas and personal publications, as well as erudition, logic and fantasy manifested in the creative contest with versification, work with an abbreviation, editing text with lexical and grammatical errors. In addition, literacy of speech, sociability and ability to submit oneself were necessarily evaluated.

Everyone tried this day – both the 7-year-old Junkors and their more experienced elder colleagues. Particularly can be noted seventh-grader Darya Molotovskaya and fourth graders Vladislav Surkov, Artemia Ulanova and Maria Krivoruchko, who participate in this contest is not the first time, they constantly write articles in the school newspaper, covering different topics, do not pass before the audience and are eloquent enough.

There was no equal to the student of the college “Miras”, the future primary school teacher Galina Bulgakova, who can already be called a real journalist. Most recently, the girl won the competition “Junkor of the Year-2018” XIV International Media Festival of children’s and youth media “Under the lucky star”, which was held in Astana. Galya writes not only good articles, but also poems on different topics.

For the fourth time, Yulia Grigorieva, a fourth-year student, is participating in the “Star Journalist” competition. In addition, without it, not a single essay contest or essay. Work in different genres under the power of a very active and sociable Ivan Baulin. He has a lot of experience playing in the theater and working in youth organizations, which only benefits. It should be added that Yulia and Ivan were also awarded medals of the XIV media festival “Under the lucky star”, and the newspaper “Nomina”, where the guys publish their materials, won first place among the print media.

Svetlana Egorova, press secretary of KSIU, presented special prizes from the university to Galina Bulgakova, Ivan Baulin and Naila Gataulina, who, in her opinion, were especially convincing and professional. In addition, Galina, she offered to blog on one of the information portals, guaranteeing support and promotion.

The jury was going to have a hard time: choosing the best of the best. As a result, the first places in the “Star Journalist” competition in their age categories were taken by Artem Troshin (7-9 years), Vika Shatrova (10-12 years), Daria Molotovskaya and Erika Tolovova (13-15 years old), Naila Gataulina (16- 18 years old) and Galina Bulgakova (over 18 years old).

Three prizewinners will be identified in all categories of the XIII Festival of Children’s Creativity “Zhyldyzdar” in all age categories. Awarding will take place at the gala concert on April 21 in the city Palace of Culture.

Press-service of KSIU

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06.04.2018, 10:35:28, Баспасөз-орталығы Categories: News