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The second place in the Buketov’s  readings-2018 was given to a  student of KSIU

[Дата публикации: 03.04.2018, 17:24:45, published by: Баспасөз-орталығы]


Third year student of KSIU, future economist Karina Smagulova took 2nd place in the regional scientific and practical conference of undergraduates and students “Buketov’s readings-2018” in the section “Actual issues of economics and law”.

The conference was held on March 29 in the KarSU named by Buketov. The student of the group “Economics-15” Karina Smagulova made a report about  “Features of the fourth industrial revolution.”

– I think that today my topic is relevant for discussion, – says Karina. – Opinions differ: someone says that this is a new stage in the development of the country, and some believe that the state will fall into the social-economic crisis. In my report, I tried to reflect all points of view, as well as the pros and cons of the topic and its features.

As the third-year student said, she received a lot of impressions at the conference and gained a lot of experience. The event was held at the highest level, the reports of all participants were relevant and informative.

Press-service of KSIU

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