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Solar panels according to the Fibonacci scheme

[Дата публикации: 10.04.2018, 15:32:28, published by: Баспасөз-орталығы]


A student of the EE-17s group, Dmitry Tarba, took the third place in the international competition of scientific works and creative projects on the use of information and communication technologies.

The competition was held April 4-5 at the KarSU named by Buketov. Participation in it was received by students and undergraduates of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, near and far abroad. The work was conducted in several sections: “Computer graphics and animation, design”, “Innovative methods and means of training”, “Web resources development and information security”, “Programming”, “Mechatronics and Robotics”.

Student KSIU Dmitry Tarba was awarded a diploma of the third degree for the work “Solar batteries, structured according to the Fibonacci scheme.” His scientific adviser is  Head of Department “Natural Science Disciplines”, Ph.D., Associate Professor Esenbol Huangbai.

In his work, Dmitry presented an alternative approach to the use of solar energy – the effective geometric arrangement of solar panels in space. The freshman proposed a new format for the construction of a renewable energy source.

Press-service of KSIU

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