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Modernization of the public consciousness

[Дата публикации: 03.04.2018, 11:34:35, published by: Баспасөз-орталығы]


The delegation from KSIU became a participant of the regional scientific and practical conference “Forming the personality of young leaders of ethno-cultural associations through the modernization of public consciousness”, which was held on March 29 in the House of Friendship (Karaganda).







The conference was attended by representatives of ethnocultural associations. The reports were made by V.A. Khmelevsky, the chairman of the Karaganda regional Polish community “Polonia”; N.A. Beisenbekova –  director of the research center “Tulgatanu”, associate professor of the KarSU named by Buketova; M.K. Abdakimova- head of the department  “Social work and the Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan” of the Karaganda Economic University; V.E. Kist- chairman of the Karaganda regional society “German center” Wiedergeburt “; O.V. Golovchenko -the head of the youth wing of the Ukrainian Language named by Shevchenko “Ridne slovo”. They raised the issues of forming leadership qualities among the younger generation in the process of patriotic education, volunteerism in the youth environment, as well as the realization of the idea of ​​modernizing public consciousness. Then the meeting of panel sessions “Kazakhstan in conditions of the Fourth Industrial Revolution”, “National Consciousness: the agenda for the coming years” and “Values ​​of leaders of ethno-cultural associations” began.

The delegation from KSIU included several teachers and students of the university. The head of the department “Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan”, candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor T. Semenova spoke about the role and significance of spiritual and moral components in the structure of human capital; the teacher of public disciplines, master of humanitarian sciences D.K. Zhanabergenova made a report on “Ideas of peace and harmony”, and the senior lecturer Zh. A. Akhmetov – with his work “Zhastardyn  ruhani bailygyn baiytuda, sheshendik өnerdegi sayasi kundylyktardyn orny men roli” .

In total, the conference heard over thirty reports on the most pressing issues. At the end of the event, all participants were awarded certificates.

Press-service of KSIU

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