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Increasing the level of IT-competencies

[Дата публикации: 01.03.2018, 10:11:59, published by: Баспасөз-орталығы]


More than 50 students of the groups “Computer Science and Software”, “Automation and Management” and “Power Engineering”, including 18 people studying in the state language under the “Serpіn” program, recently successfully completed the basic initial course of the IT Essentials of the Cisco Academy and received certificates.

The regional center of the Cisco Networking Academy was opened on the basis of KSIU  in early September of 2017. This important step gave access to educational resources, which are constantly updated and replenished. The status of the instructors of the Academy are senior lecturers of the department “EA and CE” S. Kan, A. Chvanova and D. Tokseit.

During the fall semester of the 2017-2018 academic year, students of the CEP and S, A and M and EE groups started studying the basic initial course IT Essentials. The course includes 14 chapters of theoretical and practical material on general issues of modern information technologies. Each chapter contains an examination to verify the mastery of the material.

“The study of the course allows you to gain skills in installing computer components, operating systems and setting up a computer to exchange data over the network,” explained the senior teacher of the department “EA and CE” Anastasia Chvanova. – Studying the course is a tool to improve the level of IT-competencies of students regardless of the specialty.

In the future, it is planned that this course will be gradually passed by students of all specialties of KSIU.

Press-service of KSIU

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