A worthy reward!
[Дата публикации: 25.03.2018, 21:17:00, published by: Әкімшілік]
For the first time in the history of the International Movement of Humane Pedagogy, the title “Hero of the Spirit” was established. The founder and president of the republican children’s charitable foundation “Bobek”, a graduate of the HTLB at the Karaganda Metallurgical Combine (now Karaganda state industrial university) Nazarbayeva Sara Alpysovna is recognized as the first owner of this title in the world.
Thousands of delegates of the International Pedagogical Readings in Baku have applauded this decision of the International Public Jury.
The name of this outstanding woman of modern Kazakhstan is recognizable far beyond the borders of the country, and the world community appreciated her noble work. Sara Alpisovna Nazarbaeva is rightfully recognized as a spiritual leader and public figure of a planetary scale, making a notable contribution to the affirmation of humanistic values, the ideals of good and justice, not only in our country, but throughout the world.
Sara Alpysovna’s contribution to the propaganda of the ideas of humane pedagogy is very high. Sara Alpysovna is the author of a unique educational project on the revival of moral and spiritual values, which is called “Self-knowledge.” Its main goal is to revive universal values, to teach children to live in harmony with themselves and with the world around them. She is also actively involved in a new charitable project. Its purpose is to enable children from orphanages to receive free higher education and become a full-fledged citizen of their country, benefiting from their knowledge.
On the account of the Bobek Foundation, headed by Sara Alpysovna, hundreds and thousands of charity events, helping orphans and disabled people, supporting mothers.
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