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Akim of the city held a meeting with the population at the univ

[Дата публикации: 15.02.2018, 11:02:57, published by: Әкімшілік]


At the Karaganda State Industrial University on February 13, the reporting meeting of Akim of Temirtau Galym Ashimov with the population took place.



Participation in it was received by State Inspector of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan S. Sh. Bekbergenov, secretary of the Karaganda regional Maslikhat S. B. Uteshev, first deputy chairman of the regional branch of the party « Nur Otan» K. B. Ospanova, head of the state administration “Industry and Industrial- innovative development of the Karaganda region ” G. A. Zhumasultanov. There were deputies of the oblast and city maslikhats, members of the public council, heads of contract organizations and enterprises, veterans and aksakals of the city, representatives of political parties, public and religious associations, and mass media.

Attention was given to the report of the head of the city on the work done in 2017, and plans for 2018. At the end of the report, the community asked the akim questions concerning the environmental situation, improvement of the city, construction of housing for socially unprotected categories of citizens. There were 22 questions in total, nine of them were taken for control, the rest explanations were given immediately.

The report of Galym Ashimov was covered in the online mode on the official account of the akimat of Temirtau. Video recording of the meeting can be found at https://temirtau-akimat.gov.kz/en/

Press-service of KSIU


Просмотров: 439
15.02.2018, 11:02:57, Әкімшілік Categories: News