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Training manuals of teachers of KSIU

[Дата публикации: 23.02.2018, 14:30:24, published by: Баспасөз-орталығы]


A book exhibition titled “Novelties of educational and methodological literature” will be held in the hall of the main building on February 28. On the first floor, not far from the entrance, from 11 to 13 hours you will get acquainted with the manuals sponsored by the teachers of the Karaganda State Industrial University.

Among the presented literature – more than fifty copies of diverse scientific and methodical manuals. Among the novelties – “Technology and theory of lead production” (authors – O. Artykbaev, E. Kharchenko, T. Egorova), “Intensification of blast furnace smelting” (A. Torgovets, I. Pikalova, Y. Yusupova), “Hardening technology” (B. Bykhin, S. Ainabekova, M. Abishkenov), “Control Systems in Mechanical Engineering” (I. Kuzminov, O. Krivtsova), “Evaluation of Jewelry” (O. Silaeva), “Designing a Database” (A. Chvanov ) and many others. Work on the benefits was completed by the authors in the period from 2015 to 2017.

– Methodical instructions for the discipline “Automation of metallurgical production”, which I developed after a lot of visual material was collected, will be used in the educational process for students of the specialty “Metallurgy”, – says and. about. head of the department “EA and CT ” Olesya Yushchenko. – The work was easy, because the information was collected and systematized for more than one year.

We invite all the teachers and students of the Karaganda State Industrial University to visit the exhibition.

Press-service of KSIU

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23.02.2018, 14:30:24, Баспасөз-орталығы Categories: News