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KSIU students took part in the semifinal of the World Programming Championship

[Дата публикации: 05.12.2017, 18:42:55, published by: Әкімшілік]




Dx8cyoYk_EYStudents of KSIU took part in the semi-final the world championship programming on the basis of Kazakhstan-British University of technology 2-3 December was one of the most significant and major events of the year in the field of student iт-competition – semi-finals of 41 first team world Cup programming among the University students Association for computing machinery icpc. Part in it took and team of KSIU.

mmMLEZQnUqkInternational organization Association for computing machinery (acm) was founded in 1947 in Philadelphia staff Pennsylvania University, who created the world’s first computer eniac. Now AFM is the most authoritative in the world international organization in the field of computers and programming. team world championship the first time was carried out in 1977.

rzld5NHnNDMThis year semi-final competition in the North-Eastern European region took place on the basis of the four cities: St. Petersburg, Barnaul, Tbilisi and Almaty. Participation took part about three hundred teams from Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Latvia and Kyrgyzstan. Kazakhstan was submitted 32 teams, of which only two, including our represented Karaganda area.

Competition held for two days. As well as in the quarter-finals, students was invited to 12 jobs and five hours for their decision. Unfortunately, the result to exit the next phase of the team of KSIU not enough, but, according to the representatives of the organizing committee of the competition, our students were made very worthy.

Press office KSIU










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05.12.2017, 18:42:55, Әкімшілік Categories: News