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Office of Ruhani Jahyrou started work

[Дата публикации: 14.12.2017, 14:53:25, published by: Әкімшілік]










Office “Ruhani jangyru” was opened on the initiative of akim of the city of Temirtau Ashimov G.A. with the support of the rector of the State Research and Design Institute Zhautikov B.A. within the framework of the state social order of the Department of Internal Policy of the city of Temirtau, with the assistance of the patrons of the city. The office of Ruhani Jangyru became a resource center for coordinating the work of ethno-cultural associations in Temirtau.


At the Karaganda State Industrial University on December 13, the opening of the office of Ruhani Jangyru, the Academy of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan, took place. Participants and guests of the event were associates of the First President of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev, representatives of state  and ethno-cultural associations of Temirtau.

Deputy head of the city of Temirtau, Dauren Yesimkhanov, the comrade-in-chief of the Head of the state Kuanysh Omashev, the head of the secretariat of the regional Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan Yerlan Kusayin and the rector of the KSIU Bakhyt Zhautikov held a ceremonial opening ceremony of the office – with ribbon cutting, Kazakh national rite “Shashu” and traditional Russian karavai.

Head of the Chair of the Assembly of the Peoples of Kazakhstan, Professor of the KSIU Tatyana Semyonova acquainted the participants of the event with the directions of the Ruhani Jangyru office. Among them:

– the formation of patriotism through the program “Tugan zher”, organized on the basis of local lore;

– promotion of modern Kazakhstani culture in the global world;

– holding of a complex of events within the framework of the projects “Tarbie zhane Bilim”, “Atameken”, “Rukhani Kazyna”, “Sacred Geography”, “100 new faces of Kazakhstan”, “Otanim-tagdyrym”, “Olketanu”;

– carrying out activities in the field of interethnic tolerance and social harmony and the promotion of the trinity of languages;

– holding events aimed at forming high historical consciousness, active civic-patriotic position, raising the cultural level and developing spiritual and moral values among young people.

The work will be carried out in close cooperation with the regional Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan, the regional office of Rukhani Zhangiru, the akimat of Temirtau, the city historical and regional museum, the historical and cultural center of the First President of Kazakhstan, ethno-cultural associations, colleges and schools in Temirtau.

Chairman of the Greek ethnocultural association “Polonia”, a member of the Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan in the Karaganda region Despina Kasapidi shared plans for the work of the ECO on the basis of the office of “Ruhani zangyru”. Representatives of student youth Madiyar Karibzhan, Tatyana Silaeva, Vasily Kim and Sukhrob Ashurov told about the events and projects carried out within the framework of the program “Ruhani zangyru”.

At the end of the event, a memorandum on cooperation between the akimat of Temirtau, Karaganda state industrial university and ethno-cultural associations of Temirtau was signed.


Press-service of KSIU








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14.12.2017, 14:53:25, Әкімшілік Categories: News