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[Дата публикации: 03.11.2017, 15:43:53, published by: Әкімшілік]


In the Karaganda State Industrial University, the Presidential Olympiad on the subjects of the natural-mathematical cycle among the eleventh graders of Kazakh schools will be held from November 7 to 10.

The organizer of the Olympiad is the republican scientific and practical center “Daryn” of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Olympiad is held since 2008 on personal behalf of the Head of State Nursultan Nazarbayev. Its main idea is the identification and support of talented children, the upbringing of patriotic spirit, strong, and intellectual, highly educated Kazakh schoolchildren, in-depth study of natural and mathematical sciences.

There are already two rounds of the Olympiad behind. In the last days of September, 2,631 graduates from 1,183 schools took part in the first, regional, stage, of which 1526 with the Kazakh language of instruction. 380 students from two hundred and thirty schools of the regions of the republic were admitted to the second stage, of which 220 with the Kazakh language of instruction.

The distance round of the Presidential Olympiad of the natural-mathematical cycle was held for 364 graduates simultaneously in all regions of the republic on-line. The schoolchildren were provided with communication from the interactive studio of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. To participate in the final stage, 163 graduates were admitted, who scored the highest number of points.

Recall that the Presidential Olympiad is held annually and consists of three stages: regional, qualifying (in two rounds) and republican. Each participant of the Olympiad at all stages performs assignments in four subjects: in mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology.

The organizational committee of the Presidential Olympiad includes representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, its subordinate organizations, educational management bodies, the council of rectors of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The jury consists of scientists from leading domestic and foreign higher educational institutions, former winners of international olympiads.

Participation in the Presidential Olympiad gives graduates of Kazakh schools the opportunity to fully realize themselves, show their abilities, deepen knowledge, increase interest in the subjects of the natural-mathematical direction. Winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad have the pre-emptive right to receive an educational grant in higher educational institutions of the republic.


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03.11.2017, 15:43:53, Әкімшілік Categories: News