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Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan took part in the conference dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the release of the Leader of the Nation

[Дата публикации: 30.11.2017, 19:34:37, published by: Әкімшілік]


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The grand opening of the IX International Scientific and Practical Conference “The Third Modernization of Kazakhstan – New Concepts and Modern Solutions” with the participation of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Yerlan Sagadiyev was held on November 29 in Karaganda State Industrial University.

Great challenges

The moderator of the conference, which was dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the 1967 issue of the release of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the leader of the nation Nursultan Nazarbayev, was delivered by the akim of Karaganda region Yerlan Koshanov. Welcoming the participants, he focused on the fact that this conference is devoted to new opportunities and solutions that are opening up to the country now, in the era of the third modernization.

“The head of state sets great tasks before us.” They are feasible only if all the forces of the society are consolidated, “said Yerlan Koshanov. – And when we talk about the renewal of technologies, the digitalization and quality of human capital, neither business, nor power, nor science alone can not cope with this. Therefore, we are still actively involving the scientific community, the business environment and civil society activists in the search for alternative solutions.

The guest of honor of the conference was Yerlan Sagadiev, who read the congratulation from the Head of State Nursultan Nazarbayev in honor of the significant date and the conference.

In his speech, the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan noted that the degree of academic freedom at the higher educational institutions of the republic is still, unfortunately, insufficient, therefore, in the second reading of the law on academic freedom of universities, according to which they themselves will develop educational programs . Typical curricula for universities will not. The Ministry of Education and Science together with the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs will conduct a rating of training programs. Yerlan Sagadiev stressed that during the acceleration of the scientific and technical process many professions will disappear, that is why today the schoolchildren need a completely new approach to new knowledge.

Good memories

On this day, the speakers spoke a lot of warm words about the head of state and the factory-technical school at the Karmetkombinat, in which his personality was formed,

about the city of Temirtau and the town-forming enterprise where the character of the future Leader of the nation was tempered and the secrets of the profession of the mountainous were comprehended.

Imperceptibly passed half a century since Nursultan Nazarbayev graduated from the university, which is now called the Karaganda State Industrial University. But as if yesterday it was. Companions of the First President of the Republic of Tuleutay Suleimenov and Kabidoll Sarekenov from the rostrum recalled the years of study with the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, his active civic position and the desire to grow higher and higher. According to the recollections of fellow students, Nursultan Abishevich already in his student years distinguished such features as steadiness, conscientiousness, readiness to help comrades, talent to persuade and argue.

With words of welcome on this day, the executive director of JSC “ArcelorMitalTemirtau” Vadim Basin, the president of the Kazakh Academy of Infocommunications Shahmaran Seilov and the head of the National Security of the Astrakhan State University (Russian Federation) Ravil Arykbayev addressed the audience.

Representatives of the secretariat of the Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan of the Karaganda region, scientists from universities of the country and abroad, heads of state bodies, educational institutions and enterprises, deputies, public figures, teachers and students took part in the conference.

On the same day, several sections of the university hosted sections on “Innovative and knowledge-intensive technologies as a means of implementing the Third Modernization of Kazakhstan”, “Improving the quality of human capital through the training of personnel with higher and postgraduate education”, “Higher educational institution – as the center for implementing the modernization program of public consciousness of “Ruhani jangyro” and “Problems of nature management and environmental protection within the framework of the Presidential program” Tugan zher “.

Second day

On the second day of the international conference, on November 30, excursions took place for the participants and guests on the historical and cultural center of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the university.

The moderator of the closing ceremony of the conference on November 30 was the rector of KGIU Bakhyt Zhautikov. He noted that representatives of scientific research institutes, higher educational institutions, industrial enterprises took an active part in the discussions that were taking place. The scientists from Germany, Russia,

Mongolia, the Czech Republic, Japan and other countries sent reports to the conference.

“A special imprint on the work of the scientific and practical conference was the fact that it is dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the release of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev,” Bahyt Akhatovich said. – In the reports and speeches, the participants of the conference spoke holiday words and discussed important issues related to scientific and technological progress in metallurgy and other industries, directions for seeking answers to the challenges of our time.

To announce the results of the conference, the chairpersons of the sections working the day before were invited to the stage: Dean of the Faculty of Agrobusiness, Technology and Veterinary Medicine of the Astrakhan State University Ravil Arykbayev, head of the humanities department of Stary Oskol Institute of Technology. Ugarova (branch) NITU “Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys” Zinara Mukhina, Professor

University of Turan-Astana Nurken Myrzakhanov and PhD of the Mongolian University of Science and Technology Erkhembayar Tseveen. For applause they handed certificates to the participants of the conference.

The resolution and the signing of memoranda

Each conference, according to tradition, ends with a resolution. The organizers noted the high level of reports, with a deep analysis of the current state of the affected areas of information and science-intensive technologies, as well as the forecast of their development for the coming years.

The participants of the conference decided to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the existing model of the system of education in the university in terms of full-fledged development of the individual with the identification of the basic directions for further improving the conditions for education to improve the quality of human capital. In addition, it is necessary to develop a universal, optimized model of the system of training students in a university, taking into account the comprehensive nature of the development of the individual. In the sociohumanitarian research space, in order to implement the program of modernization of public consciousness “Ruhani jangiru”, it is proposed to conceptualize the contours of the cultural identity of Kazakhstan through the prism of the synthetic unity of history, traditions, values and language in the new world order.

To publication in the republican scientific journal “Vestnik KSIU”, following the results of the hearing of reports, the articles of B.B. Bykhina (“Experimental methods for determining lead advance and broadening during rolling with the realization of an intensively

plastic deformation”, NM Myrzakhanova (Tabigat Zany-Sheteu), AA Nevzorova (“The effect of microalloying with the complex Ca-Ba alloy on the structural microstructure Carbon steel “), TS Baygabatova (” Humanization and humanitarization of higher education as a factor in the formation of public consciousness of students “) and many others.

“By the curtain” of the event, the rector of the KGIU Bakhyt Zhautikov signed memorandums of cooperation with the Astrakhan State University and the Starooskolsky Technological Institute. Ugarova (branch) NITU “Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys”.

The scientific and practical conference that has taken place has a meaning far beyond the scope of the Republic of Kazakhstan. An open, interested dialogue was held between representatives of science and production. Of course, the conference will give a new impetus to the further development of the metallurgical cluster of many countries.

Svetlana EGOROVA

Press-service of KSIU

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30.11.2017, 19:34:37, Әкімшілік Categories: News