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The KGIU team supports the transition of the Kazakh language to the Latin alphabet

[Дата публикации: 15.10.2017, 21:27:42, published by: Әкімшілік]


IMG_6413On October 12, the university hosted a seminar on the issue of the transition of the Kazakh language to the Latin script. This issue is the most discussed in society today.

The seminar was attended by invited experts: Candidate of Philology, Professor Sembiev Kurmangazy Zikiruly, Chief Methodist of the Regional Center for the Study of Languages Zhakarova Zhupar Ryskulkyzy, Chief Specialist of the Department of Culture and Language Development in Temirtau Olzhabaeva Gulmira Serikovna, Director of the Center for Language Studies in Temirtau Akhmetzhanova Meruert Bagdatovna, the chairman of the “Kazakh tili” society Smagulov Tleuberdy and 300 teachers and students of the KGIU.

IMG_6415During the seminar, the mechanisms for a phased transition to the Latin alphabet were explained, variants of the proposed alphabets were explored, and questions were answered to all questions of interest to the audience.

In turn, the teachers and students of the KGIU unanimously supported the idea of switching to the Latin alphabet.

IMG_6452“The staff of the Karaganda State Industrial University fully supports this initiative, and we want to note that the transition to the Latin schedule will not only modernize the Kazakh language, but also reveal all its priceless wealth accumulated over the centuries. The transition to the Latin alphabet is not a matter of one day, as it is necessary to begin training for the teaching of the new alphabet and the preparation of textbooks. A lot of work in the direction of accelerated integration into the world scientific, educational, communication space. And in this work, no one should remain aloof, “said Amanzholov Iztileu Amanzholovich, doctor of medical sciences, professor, head of the department” Chemical technology and ecology “.

Press-service of KGIU

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15.10.2017, 21:27:42, Әкімшілік Categories: News