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Before UNT there are very few

[Дата публикации: 18.05.2016, 15:44:37, published by: Әкімшілік]


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In the Karaganda State Industrial University May 13 passed recently in the academic year trial testing of graduates of secondary schools.

Pre UNT handed over 370 people, of them 114 in the Kazakh language in Russian – 256. Participants in the “Gold Medal” is now 25, and those who go on the certificate with distinction – 5 (last year these figures were 21 and 7, respectively) . Average, which gained on this test Temirtau students – 78.6 (it is 2.6 points lower than in April).

Preliminary date of deposit of the Unified National Testing is defined – on 3 June. At the moment, the point of preparation for the UNT, which is located at the university, carried out all the necessary arrangements.

Recall that all over the country in this academic year, graduate school a little more than 121 thousand graduates, participated in UNT will be 86,991 of them (with the Kazakh language of instruction – 63 021 with Russian – 23970). Unified National Test will be held from 2 to June 15 in 166 specially equipped receiving points. 116 of these items are placed in the building of the district schools, 50 – in the buildings and premises of higher education institutions. At all points formed state commission. The chairman of the Committee for Control of Education and Science, Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan Sayat Nyusupov. In order to ensure the necessary security measures for the participants in the procedure and creating conditions for the fair and transparent conduct of the UNT traditionally it planned the widespread use of technology (mobile silencing signals, metal detectors, video recorders, video cameras).

For graduates, do not dial the UNT threshold, given the opportunity to re-pass the test in August of the same year in the basic universities located in all regional centers in Astana and Almaty. The cost of re-repeating UNT – 2242 tenge.

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– Most main thing – it will give us an opportunity to reduce certain intensity, and it will not be like the last mile or last hour or last minute. There will always be an opportunity to take those who wish to enroll in a higher education institution, pass the complex testing in August this year – said Sayat Nyusupov. – This measure will allow all graduates who wish to study in universities, higher education.

UNT results will be traditionally published on the website of the Ministry and the National Testing Center, which will be enough to enter the PIN.

This year, the last year UNT will be held in the traditional format. Starting next year, in accordance with the state program of development of education and science, testing will be improved and transformed. Starting next school year, graduation and entrance exams will be divided into two stages. Nyusupov noted that details on the format will be presented by August soveschanii.Do UNT there are very few

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