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International scientific and practical Internet conference “Vocational training of teachers of creative specialties: search, tendencies and prospects”

[Дата публикации: 02.04.2015, 10:57:06, published by: Әкімшілік]




We invite you to take part in the International scientific and practical Internet conference “Vocational training of teachers of creative specialties: search, tendencies and prospects” – devoted realization of state program “MANGILIK EL” which will take place on May 4-5, 2015.


To discussion on the conference the wide range of the scientific directions opening versatility of science, the theory and practice of system of art education, its role and the importance in modern development of society and education of younger generation is offered.

Scientific direction of the conference:

1. Vocational training of teachers of creative specialties in the course of continuous education.

2. Use of innovative technologies of education in training system of creative specialties teachers.

3. Continuity in development of traditional culture and art in education.

4. Cross-cultural communications of music and religion as factor of development of personality spiritual outlook.

5. Art dialogue of music and literature in formation of performing art.

6. Impact of art on formation of interethnic tolerance.

7. Questions of interaction of a family and school in art education and education of children.

8. Health care aspects of music-therapy.


            Languages: Kazakh, Russian, English, Turkish.


Materials of conference will be published in the form of the scientific collection. For participation in the International scientific and practical conference it is necessary to send till April 15, 2015 by mail or on an e-mail address:

– Application for participation in conference;

– The listing of the text of the lecture and the electronic version issued according to requirements: The Times New Roman font, the size 14pt, all fields – 2 cm, a line 1 spacing, the Microsoft Word 2003, 2007 Format, alignment on width, an A4 page format, material shouldn’t exceed 5 pages.


Article has to be followed by the following information:

1. Universal Decimal classification – on the first page in the left top corner. (Through 1 interval).

2. The heading of article is printed on the center of the page with capital letters in bold print. (Through 1 interval).

3. Under heading surnames and initials of authors, an academic degree, a rank, a position, the name of the organization and an e-mail address are printed. (Through 1 interval).

4. Summary in the italics: for lectures in the Kazakh language of the summary and summary, for lectures in Russian summary, for lectures in English summary. For lectures on Turkish summary.

5. Further in a line the main text of the lecture is printed.

6. Literature is specified at the end of the main text with a space in one line (Links to the quoted literature settle down at the end of article, as citing, in square brackets).


Initiation fee:

For conferences participants the entrance fee (payment for article) is provided of 3000 tenges.


Coordinator of №1 Section Mussabekova Gulnar Tazhibaevna

е–mail: gulnar.hanum22@mail.ru,

Mobile Phone: 8 702-676-98-53;


Coordinator of №2 Section  Yelzhanov Darkhan  Nurzhanovich

е–mail: eljan_77@mail.ru,

Mobile Phone: 8 701 658-52-72;


Coordinator of №3 Section Sopbekov Sabit Orazbekovich

е–mail:  Sabit_-_sabit@mail.ru,

Mobile Phone:  8 702-579-09-03;


Coordinator of №4 Section. Karatyshkanova Kymbat Rakhmetovna


Mobile Phone: 8 701-238-59-95;


Coordinator of №5 Section Muratova Liana Mahsudobva

e–mail: liana_elif@mail.ru,

Mobile Phone: 8 701-624-08-58;


Coordinator of №6 Section Yakub AyakozAbdusakhitovna

e–mail: ayagoz2408@mail.ru,

Mobile Phone: 8 777-601-22-29;


Coordinator of №7 Section. Kayumova Sevara Polatovna

e–mail: Polat.64@mail.ru,

Mobile Phone: 8 702-924-92-18;


Coordinator of №8 Section. Tobagabylova Aizhan Zhunussovna

e–mail: aijan_baki@mail.ru.

Mobile Phone: 8 701-486-79-43.



Просмотров: 772
02.04.2015, 10:57:06, Әкімшілік Categories: Conferences, International