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International scientific and practical conference devoted to the 70 anniversary of the Great Victory on a topic “The Great Patriotic War: history, methodology and modern understanding”

[Дата публикации: 26.03.2015, 10:17:41, published by: Әкімшілік]


In April 22, 2015 S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan state university together with the State archive of Culture management, archives and documentations of East Kazakhstan region are planning to conduct the International scientific and practical conference devoted to the 70 anniversary of the Great Victory on a topic “The Great Patriotic War: history, methodology and modern understanding”


The conference will be held in the following directions (sections):

1. World-wide and historical value of the Great Patriotic War. Methodology and methods of research;

2. Lessons of the war and modern threats to the world.

3. Memory of war and objective display of its history; experience and values. Heritage of the Victory and continuity of generations;

4. Unity of the front and back is a pledge of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War (1941 – 1945)

5. Memories of war in sources of an official and personal origin

6. Economics, education and culture during the  Great Patriotic War.

7. The role of archives, museums and libraries in studying the  history of military and labor glory of Kazakhstan citizens and their contribution to upbringing of patriotism among younger generation.


Working languages: Kazakh, Russian, English.

The participation in the conference are required the following documents to the  Organizing Committee by March 31.2015.

– application for participation;

– article issued according to the requirements given below;

инф. письмо 22.04.2015 анг


Просмотров: 338
26.03.2015, 10:17:41, Әкімшілік Categories: Conferences, International