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International scientific-practical conference “AUEZOV READINGS – 13: “Nurly zhol” – the strategic step towards industrial – innovation and socio – economic development of the country”

[Дата публикации: 04.03.2015, 11:36:35, published by: Әкімшілік]


International scientific-practical conference “AUEZOV READINGS – 13: “Nurly zhol” – the strategic step towards industrial innovation and socio economic development of the country” 

Country: Republic of Kazakhstan
Location: Shymkent, Tauke Khan Ave. 5
Date: 16-17 April, 2015.
Organized by:  M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University

Sections of the conference are:
1. Modern trends in the development of chemical technology, silicate materials and metallurgy, nanotechnology;
2. Development prospects of light and textile industry;
3. Food engineering and biotechnology;
4. The problems of agriculture and the development trends of agro-industrial complex;
5. Renewable energy, resource- and energy-saving technologies;

6. Current problems of construction, mechanical engineering and transport;
7. Life safety and environmental protection;
8. Theoretical and applied research in physical and mathematical sciences, IT-technology and industrial automation;
9. The socio-economic development prospects of the regions in conditions of industrial and innovative development;
10. “Nurly Zhol” – stability strategy of multiethnic country: philosophical, political scientific, sociological and legal aspects in the light of the 20th anniversary of Kazakhstan’s Constitution and the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan;

11. Status and prospects of research in the field of education, culture and art in the implementation context of the national idea “Mangilik el”;
12. Psycho-pedagogical training of the future teacher to innovative activity at school;
13. Problems of modern linguistics and literary criticism in conceptual aspect;
14. Sports and fitness aspects of education and development of a competitive person;
15. Past and Present: 550 anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate and historical role of Ulytau in the development of Kazakh statehood. Ethnological and archaeological research.


To participate in the conference are invited professors and lecturers, researchers of universities and research institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan and foreign countries, with significant results of research on the conference topics.
Conference languages ​​: Kazakh, Russian and English.

Applications for participation in the conference (according to the attached form), copies of papers printed (2 copies) and electronic versions, a copy of the receipt of  the registration fee payment (in the amount of 3500 tenge ) are accepted until March 20, 2015 inc., by email ukgu70@mail.ru  or address: 160012, Republic of Kazakhstan, Shymkent, Tauke Khan Ave., 5, M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, educational building № 3 “B”, 2nd floor, office 207, Executive Secretary of the Conference Steering Committee: Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Head of the Scientific research department of M.Auezov SKSU, Мakhashov Erkin.

Collection of selected papers to be presented in the conference in Proceeding Conference database SCOPUS.

Hotel Reservations may not be later than 31 March, 2015.

For all inquiries, please, contact the steering committee of the conference:
Phone: +7 (7252) 21-06-48,  30-05-71,  Fax: +7 (7252) 21-19-89 E-mail: ukgu70@mail.ru

160012, Republic of Kazakhstan, Shymkent, Tauke Khan Ave., 5.

М.Әуезов атындағы ОҚМУ,Ақпараттық хат 16-17 сәуір 2015 жыл (doc)

Просмотров: 675
04.03.2015, 11:36:35, Әкімшілік Categories: Conferences, International