“Ultimately, Kazakh education and science are faced with a large-scale, urgent task - not just to keep up with new trends, but to be one step ahead, to generate trends.”

K.K. Tokayev

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For the period of 50 years Karaganda Industrial University, founded in 1963, has become one of the leading higher ...

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TechConnect World Innovation Conference – Abstracts Due February 27th

[Дата публикации: 16.02.2015, 10:14:17, published by: Әкімшілік]


TechConnect World Innovation Conference 

Gaylord National Convention Center
Washington DC, June 14-17

Connect – Academic & Industry Research

Connect – with Corporate Prospectors

Connect – with Federal Agencies

How to Participate

>> Submit Technical Abstract
Review & Publication – due Feb. 27th

>> Submit Innovation

SBIR, Early-Stage – due Feb. 13th


Key Speakers Include:

  • Brian L Wardle, MIT, US
  • Limeng Chen, Cabot Corporation, US
  • Shu-Jen Han, IBM, US
  • Loon-Seng Tan, U.S. Air Force, US
  • Dorothee Martin, Saint-Gobain, US
  • Mark Minnichelli, BASF, US
  • Michael Pambianchi, Corning, US
  • Paul Vogt, Momentive, US
  • Larry Mann, Shoei Electronic Materials, US
  • Kikuo Okuyama, Hiroshima Univ., JP
  • Mansoo Choi, Seoul National Univ., KR
  • Wendelin Stark , ETH Zurich, CH
  • Eric W. Nelson, 3M, US
  • Thomas Scheibel, Univ. of Bayreuth, DE
  • Liangliang Cao, Whirlpool Corporation, US
  • Curtis Marcott, Light Light Solutions, US
  • Mike Radler, Dow Chemical, US
  • Ming Huang, Corning, US
  • Atsushi Hozumi, National Inst. of Advanced Industrial Science & Tech., JP
  • Luigi Calzolai, European Joint Research Centre (JRC), Italy
  • Quoc Truong, U.S. Army Natick Soldier 
  • Peter Hosemann, UC Berkeley, US
  • David C. Bell, Harvard, US
  • Patrice Gergaud, CEA-LETI, FR
  • Gordon A. Shaw III, NIST, US
  • Valeriy V. Ginzburg, Dow Chemical, US
  • Tsu-Wei Chou, University Delaware, US
  • Allen Clauss, Xolve, US
  • Mark Hersam, Northwestern University, US
  • Michael Z. Hu, Oak Ridge National Lab, US
  • Eugene Pashkovski, The Lubrizol Corp., US
  • Kostya Ostrikov, CSIRO, Australia
  • Kazuhiro Takanabe, King Abdullah Univ., SA
  • Slade Gardner, Lockheed Martin, US
  • David Green, BASF Corporation, US
  • Joe Fox, Ashland Inc., US
  • Antoine Fécant, IFP Energies nouvelles, FR
  • Stefan Seeger, University of Zurich, CH
  • Tim Atherton, Tufts University, US
  • Kendra Erk, Purdue University, US
  • Michael P. Krein, Lockheed Martin, US

Просмотров: 539
16.02.2015, 10:14:17, Әкімшілік Categories: Conferences, International