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Educational work plan for the 2018-2019 academic year


№ п/п Name of event Deadline executive officer
1 2 3 4
Inclusion in the educational plans of the University of a set of measures that involve students in social life, the development of vital skills necessary for the transition from training to productive employment, education tolerance, the ability to live in harmony in the context of interfaith and ethnic diversity.
1 Conducting the seminar “Trilingualism in education is the imperative of time” dedicated to the Day of the Languages of the Peoples of Kazakhstan, together with the Center for the Development of Languages of Temirtau


2018 .

Center for Development of Languages of Temirtau,

Director of department of educational work and youth policy

Chair  “History of Kazakhstan and social-humanitarian science”


2 Organization of the charity event “Let’s make the world kinder!” For pupils of the Center for Adaptation of Minors.


2018 .

Director of department of educational work and youth policy

Committee for Matters Concerning Young Persons

3 Organization of the charity event “Warmth of our hearts!” For the House of Mercy October 2018 .

Director of department of educational work and youth policy

Committee for Matters Concerning Young Persons

4 Conducting a series of “roundtable discussions” on the theme: “Kazakhstan is the territory of peace and harmony” with the participation of ethnocultural associations and the Historical and Cultural Center of the First President of Temirtau. September – December 2018.

Historical and Cultural Center of the First President Temirtau, Director of department of educational work and youth policy,

“Assembly of people of Kazakhstan” chair

5 Conducting a book – illustrated exhibition “The spiritual unity of the peoples of Kazakhstan: the past and the present” on historical, cultural, religious and moral themes.

October 2018.



Director of department of educational work and youth policy, library of KSIU
6 Conducting a seminar for teaching staff on the topic “Improving religious literacy as an important factor in the prevention of religious extremism.” October 2018 Director of department of educational work and youth policy
7 Questioning students to determine attitudes towards religion, tolerance and extremism. October 2018 Director of department of educational work and youth policy
8 Supervising curatorial hours for students of 1–3 courses on the topic: “Spiritual harmony is the foundation of peace and stability in society”.

October 2018.


Director of department of educational work and youth policy
9 A meeting of students of 1-3 courses with the leaders of religious associations of Temirtau, dedicated to the “Day of the Spiritual consent of the peoples of Kazakhstan.” October 2018 Director of department of educational work and youth policy
10 A roundtable discussion with the participation of representatives of religious associations of Temirtau “Spiritual values ​​- the path to peace and harmony.” October 2018 Director of department of educational work and youth policy
11 Conducting a training seminar for students of 1,2 courses on the prevention of religious extremism among young people. October –November 2018 Director of department of educational work and youth policy
12 Conducting a round table “Extremism and terrorism is not !!!” with the participation of representatives of traditional religions, the Center for the Study of Interfaith Relations, the Department of Justice, ATC.

November 2018 .

March 2019 .


Director of department of educational work and youth policy
13 Organization of poetry evenings, meetings with poets and public figures of the city and region.



Director of department of educational work and youth policy,

“Assembly of people of Kazakhstan” chair

14 Attracting students and young people to the city and regional social events. Not less two times a term Director of department of educational work and youth policy
Development of projects and programs with the aim of engaging students in activities to build civic responsibility, ability for self-development and striving for constant personal growth and leadership qualities of students.
15 Conducting “Freshman Week – 2018”. September2018 Director of department of educational work and youth policy
16 Conducting the youth forum “El Bolashaky – bіz!” .. November 2018 Director of department of educational work and youth policy
17 Conducting training workshops “Fundamentals of Leadership” for student leadership asset. November 2018 Director of department of educational work and youth policy
18 Participation in the competition of intellectual projects Serpin-Start Up among the participants of the “Serpin” Project.



Director of department of educational work and youth policy

Participation in the creative festival “Alaman” in the following nominations:

– “Bolashakty Mamadgy Ganday?” (Discussion).

– “Zhalyndy Sardar.”

– “Zhaidarman” (youth festival).

– “Mamandygym-maktanyshy!”.

– “Menіn maktan tytar mekenіm!”.

– “The Corporate Policy of the Corporate Ke n”.

– “Meni shyndagan – Serpin”.

– “уleumettik Johalar”.

– “Shynyksan, shymyr bolasyn!”.

– “Serpin Start Up” (intellectual project

March 20-30

2019 among the faculties

April 1-10, 2019 among educational institutions

April 15 – November 15, 2019 republican level

Director of department of educational work and youth policy
20 Conducting training courses on the basics of youth entrepreneurship in conjunction with representatives of the business community. February 2019 Director of department of educational work and youth policy
21 Participation in the festival “Mamandytar Festivals”. Аpril 2019 Director of department of educational work and youth policy
22 Participation in the Republican forum of graduates “Serpin” -2018 “Mamandy – mathany!”. May 2019 Director of department of educational work and youth policy
23 Participation in the Republican Games “Shynyksan, shymyr bolasyn!”. May 2019 Director of department of educational work and youth policy
24 Conducting the contest “Best Student Group”, “Student of the Year.” May 2019 Director of department of educational work and youth policy
25 Organization and holding of regional sports competitions, “Serpіn” kushshashyylar lageri and kushshashylyar mektebі among the participants of the Project “Serpin”. 2 times a year Director of department of educational work and youth policy
Legal education and the fight against corruption offenses, the study by students and staff of laws and regulations.
26 Organization of meetings of students with representatives of law enforcement agencies on crime prevention and development of the legal culture of students in the framework of the Memorandum of Cooperation concluded with the Temirtau Department of Internal Affairs.


February 2019

Director of department of educational work and youth policy
27 Solemn admission to the ranks of the Arystan and Barys police assistance detachments (together with the Internal Affairs Department). October 2018 Director of department of educational work and youth policy
28 Conducting a training seminar for members of police assistance squads. October 2018 . Director of department of educational work and youth policy
29 Organization of meetings, “round tables”, scientific conferences, seminars and forums on the prevention of corruption and other offenses with the invitation of law enforcement officers, prosecutors for all categories of workers and students at the university to form an intolerant attitude towards corruption. during a year Director of department of educational work and youth policy
28 Carrying out the republican action “Clean Session”, aimed at eliminating the receipt of illegal remuneration in educational institutions of the republic During the sessions Director of department of educational work and youth policy
29 Meetings of students with representatives of the party “Nur Otan” and the Department of Internal Affairs of the city of Temirtau to combat corruption. during a year Director of department of educational work and youth policy
30 Conducting the month “We are against corruption!”. November2018 Director of department of educational work and youth policy
31 Contests of the essay “I am against corruption”, electronic postcards and screen savers, videos “No corruption!”. November2018. Director of department of educational work and youth policy
32 Conducting a survey of students, undergraduates to identify corruption facts and to study the level of corruption risks.

December 2018

May 2019


Director of department of educational work and youth policy

33 Conducting a sociological survey “A teacher through the eyes of a student” and “Satisfaction of university students in providing them with support, learning outcomes, creating conditions for personal development and education.”


May 2019

Director of department of educational work and youth policy
34 Conducting debate tournaments on anti-corruption topics. At least 1 time per semester Director of department of educational work and youth policy
35 Study of anti-corruption topics on the dialogue platforms of the youth affairs committee. At least 1 time per semester Director of department of educational work and youth policy
36 The activities of the unit “Arystan” police assistance. during a year Director of department of educational work and youth policy
Cultivating a healthy lifestyle, organizing and creating conditions for popularizing cultural, sporting and healthy lifestyles for young people through the development of mass sports, games and popular among young people at the university.
37 Decade for the prevention of road traffic injuries among students. September2019 Director of department of educational work and youth policy, DIA Temirtau.
38 Promotion for freshmen “Festival of Health”. September 2019 Director of department of educational work and youth policy medical worker of KSIU, teachers of physical culture.
39 Implementation of the program “University – family – student”. September 2019 ,  October 2019 .

Director of department of educational work and youth policy,

medical worker of KSIU,, psychologist, department “HL” Temirtau.

40 Organization of meetings with doctors of polyclinic №1 for the prevention of diseases of STIs, ARVI, etc. October 2018 Director of department of educational work and youth policy, medical worker of KSIU
41 Conducting sports contest “Freshman 2017” October 2018 Head of the sports club
42 Organization and holding of the festival “Dedication to students” October 2018 Director of department of educational work and youth policy
43 Round table “Psychology of Health”. October 2018. Director of department of educational work and youth policy
44 The action dedicated to the National Day of alcohol rejection. October 2018. Director of department of educational work and youth policy
45 Month for the prevention of respiratory viral infections and influenza. November 2018. Director of department of educational work and youth policy, medical worker of KSIU “HL”department of Temirtau
46 Round table “Psychological aspects of helping HIV-infected / AIDS-infected patients.” November 2018 Director of department of educational work and youth policy, AIS centre Temirtau
47 The action dedicated to the International Day of quitting. November2018г. Director of department of educational work and youth policy medical worker of KSIU, “HL” department Temirtau.
48 Round table “Prevention of suicidal behavior in the student youth environment.” December 2018 Director of department of educational work and youth policy “HL” department Temirtau.
49 Distribution of information materials on the prevention of suicidal behavior in the youth student environment. December 2018. Director of department of educational work and youth policy
50 Questioning “My attitude to a healthy lifestyle.”

January 2019 .,

– Аpril 2019

Director of department of educational work and youth policy
51 Seminar – workshop “Formation of a culture of health and prevention of addictive behavior among students.” February 2019 medical worker of KSIU , “HL” department Temirtau.
52 Competition of student’s creative works on the theme: “We are for a healthy lifestyle.” February 2019 г Director of department of educational work and youth policy
53 Flash – mob “Day of Family, Love and Allegiance” dedicated to the International Day of the family. Аpril 2019 . Director of department of educational work and youth policy
54 Organization of sports and fitness sections by sports: volleyball, basketball, football, table tennis, athletics, etc. during a year Director of department of educational work and youth policy,  HK&CGD department
55 Organization of actions, flash mobs, exhibitions aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle (among students, college students, schoolchildren and the public). during a year Director of department of educational work and youth policy, “HL” department Temirtau., AIS centre Temirtau, Narcological dispensary Temirtau
56 Carrying out the championship in mini-football for the prize of the KSIU Rector’s Cup. February 2019 Sports Club Leader
57 The organization of the work of sports sections in 7 sports. during a year Sports Club Leader
58 Contest “Miss KSIU-2018”.



Director of department of educational work and youth policy
59 Conducting the competition “Mr. KSIU-2018”.



Director of department of educational work and youth policy
Actively promoting the development of a comprehensively developed personality of a future competitive specialist, possessing not only profound professional knowledge, but also high civic qualities – a true patriot of Kazakhstan.
60 The introduction of student government on the basis of Kazakhstan and foreign experience. Involving students in active academic and research activities. The increasing role of students in the collegial management of the university. during a year Director of department of educational work and youth policy
61 Presentation of the debate club, the organization of the city tournament. October 2018. Director of department of educational work and youth policy
62 Curator hours “Important milestones of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.” November2018 Director of department of educational work and youth policy
63 Round table “Student government – the basis for the development of leadership qualities of young people” with the participation of young deputies of Temirtau November2018 Director of department of educational work and youth policy
64 The book – illustrated exhibition “Symbols of Independence and creation of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. November2018 Director of department of educational work and youth policy
65 Ethnocultural festival “Caravan of Friendship” with the participation of national cultural centers of Temirtau November2018 Director of department of educational work and youth policy
66 A meeting of students with the associates of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Leader of the Nation N.A. Nazarbayev “President in my destiny” December 2018 Director of department of educational work and youth policy
67 Excursions to the historical and cultural center of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. December 2018 . Director of department of educational work and youth policy
68 “My Motherland is Kazakhstan!” A solemn meeting dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan. December 2018 Director of department of educational work and youth policy
69 “Round table” “Student government – the basis for the development of leadership qualities of young people” with the participation of young deputies Temirtau February 2019 Director of department of educational work and youth policy
70 The development of debate movement, the ability of critical thinking and skills of independent information retrieval. during a year Director of department of educational work and youth policy
71 Organization of debate tournaments of the Kazakh and Russian leagues. At least 1 time per semester Director of department of educational work and youth policy
72 Participation in the traditional festival of youth creativity “Student Spring”.



Director of department of educational work and youth policy
 Activities for the implementation of the program “Ruhani zhangyru” 
73 Conducting a competition of readers (in Kazakh-Russian-English. Languages) among first-year students and conducting the Brain-ring “Teachers VS students” game with teaching staff and 2-4-year students in conjunction with the project office “Ruhani Zhangyru”, Assembly of the People Kazakhstan Karaganda region



2019 .

Director of department of educational work and youth policy KR&FL department
74 Conducting a set of activities aimed at creating legal and civic consciousness among young people with the assistance of the Temirtau Youth Club and the Association of Young Leaders NGOs during a year Director of department of educational work and youth policy
75 Conducting the Forum of Patriots in conjunction with the project office of “Ruhani Zhangyru”, the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan of the Karaganda Region, the RSU “Kogamdyk Kelisim” and ethnocultural associations



Director of department of educational work and youth policy
76 Conducting debate tournaments in conjunction with the project office of “Ruhani zhangyru”, the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan, Karaganda region during a year Director of department of educational work and youth policy
77 Conducting training workshops “Leadership Basics” for the student leadership asset with the assistance of the Temirtau Youth Club NGO Маrch-April 2019 Director of department of educational work and youth policy
78 Conducting an essay contest, essays on the topic “Menin Elim – Kazakhstan!” Together with the project office of “Ruhani zhangyru”, Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, Karaganda region October 2019 Director of department of educational work and youth policy
79 Conducting youth actions “We are the future of the country”, dedicated to the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Independence Day with the assistance of the Temirtau Youth Club NGO



Director of department of educational work and youth policy
80 Conducting meetings with associates of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev “The role of N.A.Nazarbayev in the formation of Kazakhstan” during a year Director of department of educational work and youth policy, ANK department
81 Conducting seminars on the topic: “Formation of the personality of young leaders of ethnocultural associations” in conjunction with the project office of “Ruhani Zhangyru”, the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan of the Karaganda region, the RSU “Kogamdyk Kelіsіm” and ethnocultural associations

Мarch, November


Director of department of educational work and youth policy ANK department
82 Conducting a series of “round tables” on the theme: “Kazakhstan is the territory of peace and harmony” with the participation of the ethnocultural associations of the city in conjunction with the project office “Ruhani Zhangyru”, the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan, Karaganda Oblast, RSU “Kogamdyk Kelіsіm” and ethnocultural associations

Мarch, December


ANK department HK&CGD department Director of department of educational work and youth policy
83 Carrying out charity events “Let’s make the world kinder” for pupils of the Center for Adaptation of Minors and the House of Mercy

September- October


Director of department of educational work and youth policy
84 Expanding the network of volunteer units through the revitalization of the university volunteer center “Komek” with the assistance of the NGO Temirtau Youth Club during a year Director of department of educational work and youth policy
85 Conducting a regional essay contest among students on the topic “The History of Temirtau in Persons” (in English) February 2019

Director of department of educational work and youth policy, KR&FL

HK&CGD department

86 Theatrical event “Under the Single Shanyrak” with the participation of ethnocultural associations in conjunction with the project office of “Ruhani zangyru”, the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan of the Karaganda region, the RSU “Kogamdyk Kelіsіm” and ethnocultural associations



ANK department,

Director of department of educational work and youth policy

87 Conducting a scientific conference of students, students and schoolchildren “The history of my city through the history of my family” in conjunction with the project office “Ruhani zangyru”, the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan of the Karaganda region, RSU “Kogamdyk kelyshim” and ethnic and cultural associations



ANK department,

HK&CGD department, Director of department of educational work and youth policy

88 Conducting a round table on the theme “Cultural and genetic code of the nation” in conjunction with the project office “Ruhani zangyru”, Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, Karaganda region, RSU “Kogamdyk Kelіsіm” and ethno-cultural associations September2019 ANK department HK&CGD department, Director of department of educational work and youth policy
89 Conducting tourist and local lore brain-rings “Tugan Alkemnin Tarikhi” together with the project office “Ruhani Zangyru”, Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, Karaganda Oblast, RSU “Kogamdyk Kelіsіm” and ethno-cultural associations during a year ANK department HK&CGD department, Director of department of educational work and youth policy
90 Conducting the Festival of ethnic cultures “Caravan of Friendship” in conjunction with the project office “Ruhani zanyru”, the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, Karaganda region, RSU “Kogamdyk Kelіsіm” and ethnocultural associations 2 half of 2019 Director of department of educational work and youth policy
91 Conducting the student festival “Sacred Geography of Kazakhstan” (video contests and essays about a small homeland) in conjunction with the project office “Ruhani zangyru”, the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, Karaganda region September2019

ANK department HK&CGD department, Director of department of educational work and youth policy


92 Conducting a round table on the theme “Cultural and geographical belt of spiritual shrines of Kazakhstan” in conjunction with the project office “Ruhani zangyru”, the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, Karaganda region October  2019 ANK department HK&CGD department, Director of department of educational work and youth policy
93 Organization of trips to the sites of historical and archaeological monuments in conjunction with the project office “Ruhani zangyru”, Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan, Karaganda region October 2019 ANK department HK&CGD department, Director of department of educational work and youth policy
94 Excursions to the National Museum, including online, together with the project office “Ruhani Zangyru” and the expert council of the Karaganda region during a year Director of department of educational work and youth policy KR&FL department
95 Excursions to the National Museum, including online, together with the project office “Ruhani Zangyru” and the expert council of the Karaganda region during a year HK&CGD department, Director of department of educational work and youth policy
96 Carrying out a set of activities on acquaintance with the best examples of modern culture in 4 main areas: literature, theater and cinema, classical and traditional music, visual arts in conjunction with the project office “Ruhani Zhangyru” and the expert council of the Karaganda region during a year Director of department of educational work and youth policy

Conducting the promotion of the creative heritage of poets, writers, historical personalities, scientists, culture and sports through organizing book exhibitions for memorable and significant days, conducting interviews and reviews, preparing materials to help curatorial hours


during a year

Director of department of educational work and youth policy,

KR&FL department,

HK&CGD department, ANK department

98 Creation in educational buildings and dormitories of special zones for free reading “Bookcrossing” during a year

Director of department of educational work and youth policy, KR&FL department,


99 Meetings of students and intellectuals of the older generation with informational support of the republican newspaper Otan-Zaman together with the city council of war and labor veterans



Director of department of educational work and youth policy KR&FL department
100 Organizing and conducting a dialogue platform on the theme “100 new names of Kazakhstan”



Мarch-april 2019

Director of department of educational work and youth policy,
101 Organizing meetings with the winners of the “100 New Persons” competition from the Karaganda region, Dauren Altaev, Kairat Umbetov, Sergey An, Rosa Alimkhanova, together with the historical and cultural center of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the regional project



Director of department of educational work and youth policy