“Ultimately, Kazakh education and science are faced with a large-scale, urgent task - not just to keep up with new trends, but to be one step ahead, to generate trends.”

K.K. Tokayev

Rector's blog

For the period of 50 years Karaganda Industrial University, founded in 1963, has become one of the leading higher ...

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Soltan Magira

Education, professional qualifications:

2003 y. – graduated from the KarSU named after E.Buketov in the specialty “History”, qualification is “Historian. Teacher of History. ”

2003-2005 years. – Full-time studies in the Master’s program of the KarSU named after E. Buketov in a specialty 52.03.50. “History”. The training ended with the defense of the master’s thesis with the assignment of the academic degree of the Master of Historical Sciences.

Academic experience:

2005-2013 years. – Temirtau Polytechnic College, teacher of history and disciplines of the social and humanitarian cycle

2013-2016 years. – Kazakh University of Technology and Business, senior lecturer of the Department of “History of Kazakhstan and Socio-Humanitarian Disciplines”

Since 2016 year – senior lecturer of the department “History of Kazakhstan and social and humanitarian disciplines” KSIU

Disciplines taught:

Modern history of Kazakhstan, philosophy, law basis, the bases of anti-corruption culture.

Certificates or professional registration:

2014 y. – certificate of the participant of the course “Application of innovative technologies in the space of educational institutions” (Center for Education and Development, Astana);

2015 y. – certificate of the participant of the seminar “Educational and methodological problems of social and humanitarian disciplines in the universities “(Nazarbayev-University, Astana);

2016 y. – “Improving the quality of teaching disciplines in the university through innovative teaching methods” (MES RK ITQ, Almaty);

2016 y. – the certificate of the listener of the “Summer Philosophical School” ( ENU named after L. Gumilev, Department of Philosophy);

2016 y. – certificate of the listener of lecture “European Union – Fundamental bases, Politics and Problems in the Developing World” (Kazakh University of Technology and Business, Astana)

2017 y. – certificate of the listener of English language courses. (Base course. The Center of the Development of Languages in Temirtau);

Rewards and premiums:

2008 y. – a letter of thanks from the Director of TPTC

2014 y. – a letter of thanks of the President-Rector of KazUB

2015 y. – a letter of thanks of the President-Rector of KazUB

2015 y. – a letter of thanks from the State Fund of Support of Youth Policy in Astana.