“Ultimately, Kazakh education and science are faced with a large-scale, urgent task - not just to keep up with new trends, but to be one step ahead, to generate trends.”

K.K. Tokayev

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For the period of 50 years Karaganda Industrial University, founded in 1963, has become one of the leading higher ...

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Polevoy Sergey Vladimirovich



Polevoy Sergey Vladimirovich


2013 – 2017:

Karaganda State University named after academician Y.A. Buketov

Economic faculty, 5В051300 – «World economy»

Bachelor of economy and business


Karaganda State University named after academician Y.A. Buketov Economic faculty, 6М011500 – «Law and economy bases»

Master of pedagogic sciences

Job experience:


From 2019 to 2021

KGU “Shkola – internat –colledzh” (innovative school)

(“School –boarding house – college” MPUI)

Economist, budgetary contract manager.


Work in this organization

From September 2021 to the present time

Teacher of chair «Economy and business» at Karaganda industrial University” NJSC

List of disciplines for teaching:

«Micro-macroeconomics», «Practical audit», «Accounting in the business system», « Accounting for commercial activities in the social sphere», «Economic theory», etc.

Work period:

Full day

Refresher courses:

Within the framework of pedagogical activity:


Membership in professional organizations:



Awards and prizes:


Award letter from “Samruk-Kazyna” JSC (for participation in the competition of scientific researches within the framework of the adoption for the Strategy “Kazakhstan – 2050”.

2017 (for 3 months)

Local scholarship of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (Germany).

2017 – 2018 (for 10 months)

Scholarship of the Foundation of the First President-Leader of the Nation (for students and undergraduates in the field of science).


Certificate of Honor, signed by the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the prize-winning place in the SSRP – 2017 competition at the Al – Farabi Kazakh National University.

Publications and presentations:


Necessity of Silk Road Economic Belt creation: significance for world economy and Kazakhstan/ Results of researching activities for 2016: inventions, methods, innovations, collection of materials of the XVII International Scientific and Practical Conference (December 23, 2016) – Moscow: “Olymp” Publishing House, 2016.


MARKETING ASPECTS OF THE PSEUDO-LEISURE CONSUMPTION AND THE QUALITY OF LIFE: A CASE STUDY FROM KAZAKHSTAN/ Marketing and Management of Innovations, Journal founded by the Department of Marketing and Management of Innovative Activity of Sumy State University ISSN 2227-6718 (on-line) ISSN 2218-4511 (print) Web of Science (Emerging Sources Citation Index), 2017.


Pravovoj aspekt v organizaczii predprinimatel`skogo obrazovaniya: sovremennaya problematika i neobkhodimost` predostavleniya pravovogo komponenta v ramkakh prepodavaniya biznes – discziplin/ Garmonizacziya naczional`nogo zakonodatel`stva v ramkakh integraczionny`kh proczessov, materialy` mezhdunarodnoj nauchno – prakticheskoj konferenczii (25 noyabrya, 2017 goda) – Karaganda: Izd – vo KarGU, 2017. – s. 171 – 174 (in Russian).


EEU: its integration role in region, examples of law problems in financial – tariff aspect and meaning for Kazakhstan’s economy in their context for today/Bulletin of the Karaganda University №3 (91) /2018, LAW Series ISSN 2518 – 7945


Development of entrepreneurial education in Kazakhstan and foundation of entrepreneurial ecosystem in universities/ Education and Science without Borders. – Prague, 2018. – Vol.9. – № 17 (1). – p. 81 – 85

Additional information:

From 2021 to the present time

Curator (facilitator) for groups of students with Kazakh language of studying, as well as for groups of distance learning (in Russian). Both of them are 1st year students.