“Ultimately, Kazakh education and science are faced with a large-scale, urgent task - not just to keep up with new trends, but to be one step ahead, to generate trends.”

K.K. Tokayev

Rector's blog

For the period of 50 years Karaganda Industrial University, founded in 1963, has become one of the leading higher ...

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62 преподавателя информатики средних школ и колледжей Карагандинской области впервые прошли бесплатное обучение по программе «IT Essentials – Основы информационных техноло гий». Переподготовку учителей на базе Карагандинского государственного индустриального университета (КГИУ) организовала Сетевая Академия Cisco Казахской академии инфокоммуникаций. Американская транснациональная корпорация Cisco является мировым лидером в области сетевых технологий и инициатором программы по разработке и созданию простых в использовании [...]
05.09.2017, 17:25:39, Әкімшілік, goto → Categories: News

Article in the newspaper “Evening newspaper”

KGIU started the training of computer science teachers. On the basis of the Karaganda State Industrial University, the Cisco Networking Academy of the Kazakh Info communication Academy gratuitously started 60 teachers of computer science at secondary schools and colleges in the course “IT Essentials: the Basics of Network Technologies”. Cisco is the world leader in [...]
05.09.2017, 17:04:15, Әкімшілік, goto → Categories: News

KGIU noted Kurban Ait

  On September 1, teachers and students of the Karaganda State Industrial University celebrated Kurban Ait. The tradition to celebrate Kurban Ait in KGIU has recently appeared, the main aim of the events dedicated to this holiday is spiritual unity, education of charity, humanism and tolerance. More than 300 students and teachers organized a festive [...]
02.09.2017, 10:14:56, Әкімшілік, goto → Categories: News

Congratulations on the day of knowledge!

  Dear teachers and staff! Dear students!  I congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge! This holiday is inextricably linked with new endeavors and opportunities, a mass of ideas, bold experiments, joyful discoveries, constant search and faith in the future. I sincerely congratulate the freshmen! You have made a very big step into adulthood, laying [...]
01.09.2017, 16:33:25, Әкімшілік, goto → Categories: News

Congratulations on the sacred holiday of Kurban AIT!

Dear teachers, staff and students! I congratulate you on the holy holiday of Kurban Ait! This bright holiday is a symbol of creation, goodness and good deeds, calling people to mercy and empathy. He fills his heart with love for his neighbors, encourages caring for those who need help, strengthens moral values, and embraces spiritual [...]
31.08.2017, 22:54:55, Әкімшілік, goto → Categories: News