“Ultimately, Kazakh education and science are faced with a large-scale, urgent task - not just to keep up with new trends, but to be one step ahead, to generate trends.”

K.K. Tokayev

Rector's blog

For the period of 50 years Karaganda Industrial University, founded in 1963, has become one of the leading higher ...

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The external evaluation of educational achievements

A trial external evaluation of the educational achievements of higher education was held at the KSIU on April 18 in the form of comprehensive testing of students in the four compulsory disciplines of the basic and profiling cycles. The number of test tasks for each discipline is 25, all test tasks in the amount of [...]

Конкурс в рамках Академической Мобильности

17.04.2018, 15:59:16, Әкімшілік, goto → Categories: News

Meeting in Poland

A meeting of the delegation of rectors of Kazakhstan universities with Polish colleagues is held in Warsaw.  On the first day of their stay Kazakhstani rectors took part in the International Forum of Leaders in the field of engineering education Perspektywy-2018. Then, negotiations will be held in the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, where [...]

Анонс Польской стороны по предстоящему Казахстано-Польскому форуму

WAŻNA WIZYTA REKTORÓW KAZACHSTANU W POLSCE Kazachstan to dla polskich uczelni kierunek bardzo obiecujący i powinien stać się priorytetowym. Dlatego z satysfakcją informujemy, że w dniach 16-18 kwietnia złoży wizytę w Warszawie prestiżowa delegacja rektorów kazachskich uczelni, największa w historii polsko-kazachstańskiej współpracy akademickiej, łącznie 23 osoby, na czele z Arynem Orsarievem, sekretarzem stanu w Ministerstwie Edukacji i Nauki [...]
16.04.2018, 19:03:16, Әкімшілік, goto → Categories: News, Мероприятия

Scientific creativity of young people in the world of the Fourth Industrial Revolution

The Karaganda Industrial University hosted the XLVIII Republican Scientific and Practical Conference “Scientific Creativity of the Young in the World of the Fourth Industrial Revolution” on April 12, held jointly with the Kremenchug National University named by Ostrogradsky (Ukraine). Scientists, teachers, employees of universities of Kazakhstan and foreign countries, enterprises and educational institutions, doctors, undergraduates [...]