“Ultimately, Kazakh education and science are faced with a large-scale, urgent task - not just to keep up with new trends, but to be one step ahead, to generate trends.”

K.K. Tokayev

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For the period of 50 years Karaganda Industrial University, founded in 1963, has become one of the leading higher ...

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Gavva Nina


Full name 

Gavva Nina Fidoseevna


1959 -1964

Kazakh State University named after CM. Kirov (now KazNU named after Al-Farabi), Faculty of Chemistry. Qualification: chemist, high school chemistry teacher

1972 – 1975.

Karaganda Metallurgical Institute, Faculty of Metallurgy, postgraduate study in the specialty 051602 “Metallurgy of ferrous, non-ferrous and rare metals”


Ph.D. thesis defense on the topic: “Investigation of the conditions and development of methods for the amperometric determination of platinum” 02-00-02 Analytical chemistry…


. The title “Honorary Professor of NAO Karaganda State Industrial University” was awarded.



1964 -1972

Temirtau Chemical-Mechanical College, lecturer

Work in this organization


Senior lecturer of the Department of “Physical and Analytical Chemistry”, as a young specialist of the Plant-VTUZ at KarMK.


Passed the competition for associate professor

March 2012 – September 2014

Head of the Department “Chemical Technology and Ecology”

List of taught disciplines

Undergraduate: Analytical chemistry, Physical and chemical methods of analysis, Physical and chemical methods for the study of organic substances, Colloid chemistry, Physical chemistry, Corrosion and protection of metals.

Master: Patent Science, Fundamentals of Scientific Experiments, Licensing.


Full-time employment

Previous jobs in other educational institutions

1956 -1959

Laboratory assistant at the mineralogical laboratory, then collector-observer in the Borovsk and then Atyrau prospecting and survey parties of the geological department of Karaganda

Non-academic: none


Certificate of advanced training at Tomsk Polytechnic University (72 hours).

Membership in professional organizations: none

Awards and prizes:


Honorary diploma of Akim of Karaganda region in connection with the 50th anniversary of NAO KarGIU.


Letter of thanks from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in honor of the 50th anniversary of NAO KarGIU


Medal in honor of the 40th and 50th anniversary of NAO KarGIU.

Деятельность в сфере услуг: отсутствует

Publications and presentations:


Gavva N.F., Isanova B.Kh. Flotation enrichment of mineral raw materials / Bulletin of KSIU No. 2 (25) 2019. P. 125-129


Gavva N.F., Isanova B.Kh. Problems of modern development of secondary and higher education in the chemical educational program / Proceedings of the Republican Scientific and Methodological Conference. “Transformation of education: content, technology, quality”, dedicated to the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (November 29, 2019) – Temirtau. KGIU. 2019. P.80-85


Gavva N.F., Isanova B.Kh., Kalashnik K. Modern trends in the development of chemistry / Proceedings of the International Conference “Youth, Science and Technology: Ways of Improvement and Integration”, dedicated to the Day of Science (04/16/2020). from. 32-38


Gavva N.F., Isanova B.Kh., Kalashnik K. Enrichment of mineral raw materials / Proceedings of the International Conference “Youth, Science and Technology: Ways of Improvement and Integration”, dedicated to the Day of Science (04/16/2020). from. 29-32


Gavva N.F., Isanova B.Kh. Chemical nature of the main groups of drugs / Bulletin of KSIU No. 3 (30) 2020 .


Gavva N.F. Isanova B.Kh. Actual problems of teaching chemical disciplines in a technical university online / Proceedings of the Republican Scientific and Methodological Conference. November. 2020


Gavva N.F., Isanova B.Kh. Modern methods for studying the transformations of chemicals / Vestnik Kariu No. 1 (32) 2021, pp. 125-129


Gavva N.F., Amanova M. Molecular Machines Proceedings of the LI International Scientific and Practical Conference in the online format “Youth, Science and Technology: Ways of Improvement and Integration”. 04/14/2021

Teaching aids:


Gavva N.F., Mantler S.N., Zhumanazarova G.M. Physical and chemical methods of analysis. Almaty: Bastau, 2018. -250 p. (Kazakh and Russian languages).


Gavva N.F., Kabieva S.K. Guidelines for laboratory and practical classes in the discipline “Analytical Chemistry” / Publishing house KarIU. Grif S, 2020, 85s.


Almazov A.I., Gavva N.F. – Physical chemistry. Textbook / Publishing house KarIU. ISBN, 2020, 180 pp..


Gavva N.F., Isanova B.Kh., Almazov A.I. – Spectral characteristics of organic substances / Publishing house KarIU. Grif S, 2020, 85s