“Ultimately, Kazakh education and science are faced with a large-scale, urgent task - not just to keep up with new trends, but to be one step ahead, to generate trends.”

K.K. Tokayev

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For the period of 50 years Karaganda Industrial University, founded in 1963, has become one of the leading higher ...

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Artificial Intelligence Technologies

  1. Sivyakova Galina – Candidate of technical Sciences, Vice rector for academic affair
  2. Saparkhodzhaev Nurbek— PhD, Associate Professor, Vice-Rector for Research and International Relations
  3. Umbetov Umirbek – Doctor of technical sciences, professor, Dean of the faculty “Energetics, Transport and Control Systems”
  4. Vyacheslav Kunaev – PhD, Head of the Department
  5. Yavorskiy Vladimir – Doctor of technical sciences, professor
  6. Andrey Volokitin – PhD, senior lecturer.
  7. Omarov Batyrkhan Sultanovich – PhD, senior lecturer.
  8. Spichak Ekaterina – master, senior lecturer
  9. Аvkurova Zhadyra – master, senior lecturer
  10. Chvanova Anastassiya – master, senior lecturer
  11. Kan Svetlana – master, senior lecturer
  12. Titova Znanna – master, senior lecturer
  13. Ayavkhan Kymbat – master, senior lecturer
  14. Anar Sergazykyzy – master, senior lecturer
  15. Tokseit Dinara – master, senior lecturer
  16. Kenzhebaeva Togzhan – master, senior lecturer
  17. Belgibaeva Lyazzat – master, senior lecturer
  18. Popova Nina – master, lecturer
  19. Zakhvataev Sergey – master, lecturer
  20. Abdulov Alexander – master, lecturer

The teaching staff of the following departments are involved in teaching basic and general educational disciplines to students and master students of the Department “Artificial Intelligence Technologies”:

  1. “Natural – scientific disciplines”;
  2. “Chemical technology and ecology”;
  3. “History of Kazakhstan, social and humanitarian disciplines”;
  4. “Technological machines and transport “;
  5. “Power engineering”;
  6. “Kazakh, russian and foreign languages”;
  7. “Economy and business”.